Darba mērķis bija noskaidrot ar atomabsorbcijas metodi konvencionālā un bioloģiskā veidā audzētu vasaras miežu un ziemas kviešu minerālvielu cinka, mangāna un dzelzs saturu 2012. un 2013. gada ražā, lai noskaidrot audzēšanas veida ietekmi uz šo minerālvielu daudzumu, un atlasītu genotipus, kurus ieteicams audzēt bioloģiskajā sistēmā. Vidējais dzelzs saturs vasaras miežu graudu sausnē ir par 15% lielāks konvencionālajā sistēmā nekā bioloģiskajā un izpaužas individuālu genotipu atšķirības. Lielāks cinka saturs ir konstatēts visiem bioloģiskajā sistēmā audzētajiem vasaras miežu genotipiem abos gados. Salīdzinoši vienāds vidējais cinka saturs konstatēts bioloģiskajā un konvencionālajā sistēmā audzētajiem ziemas kviešu genotipiem abos gados. Man...
Correlation between production method and mineral-, cadmium- and protein content were sought for S...
Study of 15 bread wheat varieties commonly grown in Turkey (Triticum aestivum L.) was conducted in 2...
This study investigates distribution of three micronutrients in milling streams of three common whea...
In the present study the contents of Cu, Mn and Zn were investigated in the grains of different wint...
To ensure safe food production, cultivar specificity of mineral nutrition in winter wheat was studie...
To ensure safe food production, cultivar specificity of mineral nutrition in winter wheat was studie...
Celem badań była ocena wpływu wieloletniego zróżnicowanego nawożenia obornikiem i azotem mineralnym ...
The deficiency of micronutrients in the human diet is widely recognised as a global problem. The obj...
Ocena zawartości mikroelementów w ziarnie pszenicy ozimej z sąsiadujących ze sobą 50 gospodarstw eko...
The determination of mineral composition and nutritional value of wheat is extremely important as it...
The increase of micro-element content in wheat seed to reduce human malnutrition is a challenge for ...
Bread wheat landraces are important resources for micronutritent improvement in plant breeding progr...
The objective of this paper is to determine the content of some macro and micro elements in grain of...
Wheat-based food has great importance in human nutrition: in European countries they provide 20–30% ...
The components crucial for fulfilling plant nutrient needs are, beside macroelements, also microelem...
Correlation between production method and mineral-, cadmium- and protein content were sought for S...
Study of 15 bread wheat varieties commonly grown in Turkey (Triticum aestivum L.) was conducted in 2...
This study investigates distribution of three micronutrients in milling streams of three common whea...
In the present study the contents of Cu, Mn and Zn were investigated in the grains of different wint...
To ensure safe food production, cultivar specificity of mineral nutrition in winter wheat was studie...
To ensure safe food production, cultivar specificity of mineral nutrition in winter wheat was studie...
Celem badań była ocena wpływu wieloletniego zróżnicowanego nawożenia obornikiem i azotem mineralnym ...
The deficiency of micronutrients in the human diet is widely recognised as a global problem. The obj...
Ocena zawartości mikroelementów w ziarnie pszenicy ozimej z sąsiadujących ze sobą 50 gospodarstw eko...
The determination of mineral composition and nutritional value of wheat is extremely important as it...
The increase of micro-element content in wheat seed to reduce human malnutrition is a challenge for ...
Bread wheat landraces are important resources for micronutritent improvement in plant breeding progr...
The objective of this paper is to determine the content of some macro and micro elements in grain of...
Wheat-based food has great importance in human nutrition: in European countries they provide 20–30% ...
The components crucial for fulfilling plant nutrient needs are, beside macroelements, also microelem...
Correlation between production method and mineral-, cadmium- and protein content were sought for S...
Study of 15 bread wheat varieties commonly grown in Turkey (Triticum aestivum L.) was conducted in 2...
This study investigates distribution of three micronutrients in milling streams of three common whea...