Šī bakalaura darba temats ir Velsa - Dilana Tomasa sacerējumos. Darbs ļauj saprast raksturīgākās iezīmes anglo-velsiešu literatūrā, tiek analizēts laika posms, apskatīta anglo-velsiešu literatūra un Dilana Tomasa darbi saistībā ar viņa velsieša izcelsmi. Kā arī izcelsmes ietekme uz viņa daiļradi. Lai dziļāk varētu izprast Dilana Tomasa daiļradi, tiek apskatīta Velsas kultūra, vēsture un valoda. Dilana Tomasa autobiogrāfiskie stāsti „Bērna Ziemassvētki Velsā”, kurā ir runa par velsiešu Ziemassvētku tradīcijām, un „Persiki”, kas ir stāsts par viņa bērnības iespaidiem dzimtenē, tiek analizēti sīkāk. Darba beidzamajā nodaļā tiek iztirzātas problēmas pēdējam Dilana Tomasa darbam „Zem piena meža”, kurš tika pabeigts vienu mēnesi pirms autora nā...
A peça radiofônica Under Milk Wood, de Dylan Thomas, nos mostra cenas de um dia na vida dos habitant...
R. S. Thomas relates the story of a person who cannot feel at home in the established institutions ...
Enregistrement : (États-Unis) New York, 22-02-1952Comprend : Fern hill - A child's Christmas in Wale...
Walesilaisuus Dylan Thomasin novelleissa tiivistelmä Walesilaisen kulttuurin olennainen osa on ki...
The present article was written as a chapter of a literary historical project which aims to present ...
R. S. Thomas (1913-2000) abounded with antinomies: a passionate advocate of Welsh nationalism he wro...
Dylan Thomas to jedna z najbarwniejszych postaci obecnych na scenie literackiej USA i Wielkiej Bryta...
The aim of the following BA thesis is to discuss and analyse the poetry of Dylan Thomas as love poet...
One aspect of R.S. Thomas’s work which is perhaps most difficult for Americans to fathom is his rela...
Dylan Thomas once made a throwaway observation that he was a border case: regarded in England as Wel...
The first full-length account of Thomas’s poetry since 1966 (135,000 word monograph), with subsidiar...
Gwyn Thomas, a Welshman from the Rhondda Valley in industrial South Wales, is a contemporary writer ...
Praca ta ma na celu zaprezentowanie różnych aspektów relacji między człowiekiem a naturą w poezji Th...
In this thesis I examine the importance of music in the writings of Dylan Thomas. Thomas grew up in...
The twentieth century saw a growing use of technological warfare which led some to fear that civilis...
A peça radiofônica Under Milk Wood, de Dylan Thomas, nos mostra cenas de um dia na vida dos habitant...
R. S. Thomas relates the story of a person who cannot feel at home in the established institutions ...
Enregistrement : (États-Unis) New York, 22-02-1952Comprend : Fern hill - A child's Christmas in Wale...
Walesilaisuus Dylan Thomasin novelleissa tiivistelmä Walesilaisen kulttuurin olennainen osa on ki...
The present article was written as a chapter of a literary historical project which aims to present ...
R. S. Thomas (1913-2000) abounded with antinomies: a passionate advocate of Welsh nationalism he wro...
Dylan Thomas to jedna z najbarwniejszych postaci obecnych na scenie literackiej USA i Wielkiej Bryta...
The aim of the following BA thesis is to discuss and analyse the poetry of Dylan Thomas as love poet...
One aspect of R.S. Thomas’s work which is perhaps most difficult for Americans to fathom is his rela...
Dylan Thomas once made a throwaway observation that he was a border case: regarded in England as Wel...
The first full-length account of Thomas’s poetry since 1966 (135,000 word monograph), with subsidiar...
Gwyn Thomas, a Welshman from the Rhondda Valley in industrial South Wales, is a contemporary writer ...
Praca ta ma na celu zaprezentowanie różnych aspektów relacji między człowiekiem a naturą w poezji Th...
In this thesis I examine the importance of music in the writings of Dylan Thomas. Thomas grew up in...
The twentieth century saw a growing use of technological warfare which led some to fear that civilis...
A peça radiofônica Under Milk Wood, de Dylan Thomas, nos mostra cenas de um dia na vida dos habitant...
R. S. Thomas relates the story of a person who cannot feel at home in the established institutions ...
Enregistrement : (États-Unis) New York, 22-02-1952Comprend : Fern hill - A child's Christmas in Wale...