Šajā darbā apskatīta trīsdimensiju problēmas precīzā atrisinājuma atrašana ar otra veida Voltera - Fredholma integrālvienādojumam pilnam matemātiskam formulējumam sistēmai ar taisnstūra ribu. Siltuma plūsmas process sienā un ribā ir nestacionārs. Nestacionāra trīsdimensiju problēma un temperatūras apmaiņa notiek nehomogēnās apkārtnē. Galvenais mērķis ir atrast analītisku formu otra veida Fredholma integrālvienādojuma risināšanu.The exact analytical three-dimensional solution for the distribution of the temperature field in the wall with rectangular fin in the form of the second kind Voltera - Fredholm integral equation are considered in this paper. The heat transfer process in the wall and the fin is non-stationary. The transient three-dime...
The main objective of the present numerical study is to investigate the transient heat transfer in ...
In this paper we develop mathematical model for three dimensional heat equation for the system with ...
Abstract:- The method of superposition and separation variables is applied to gain analytical soluti...
Abstract:- In this paper we construct exact analytical three-dimensional solution for the distributi...
Anotācija Promocijas darbā tiek apskatīti 3D, 2D un 1D risinājumi stacionārām siltuma vadīšanas prob...
Abstract:- In this paper we construct two exact analytical three-dimensional solutions for cylindric...
Bakalaura darbā apskatītas siltumvadīšanas problēmas divslāņu sieniņai ar divslāņu ribu 2D. Aplūkota...
Abstract:- In this paper we construct some approximate analytical three-dimensional solutions for on...
Abstract:- In this paper the approximate transient three dimensional analytical solution for the ele...
AbstractThe theoretical study of the heat flow within finned heat exchangers is of considerable prac...
Maģistra darbā tiek apskatīta stacionāra siltuma pārneses problēma sistēmai ar ribu. Tiek apskatīts ...
In this paper we present a transient model of transient heat conduction in a 2D system with double w...
Various methods for steady-state and transient analysis of temperature distribution and efficiency o...
In this paper, we consider steady state heat conduction for double wall with double fins in 2D geome...
This research provides the analytical and numerical solution for ODE-BVP (Ordinary differential equa...
The main objective of the present numerical study is to investigate the transient heat transfer in ...
In this paper we develop mathematical model for three dimensional heat equation for the system with ...
Abstract:- The method of superposition and separation variables is applied to gain analytical soluti...
Abstract:- In this paper we construct exact analytical three-dimensional solution for the distributi...
Anotācija Promocijas darbā tiek apskatīti 3D, 2D un 1D risinājumi stacionārām siltuma vadīšanas prob...
Abstract:- In this paper we construct two exact analytical three-dimensional solutions for cylindric...
Bakalaura darbā apskatītas siltumvadīšanas problēmas divslāņu sieniņai ar divslāņu ribu 2D. Aplūkota...
Abstract:- In this paper we construct some approximate analytical three-dimensional solutions for on...
Abstract:- In this paper the approximate transient three dimensional analytical solution for the ele...
AbstractThe theoretical study of the heat flow within finned heat exchangers is of considerable prac...
Maģistra darbā tiek apskatīta stacionāra siltuma pārneses problēma sistēmai ar ribu. Tiek apskatīts ...
In this paper we present a transient model of transient heat conduction in a 2D system with double w...
Various methods for steady-state and transient analysis of temperature distribution and efficiency o...
In this paper, we consider steady state heat conduction for double wall with double fins in 2D geome...
This research provides the analytical and numerical solution for ODE-BVP (Ordinary differential equa...
The main objective of the present numerical study is to investigate the transient heat transfer in ...
In this paper we develop mathematical model for three dimensional heat equation for the system with ...
Abstract:- The method of superposition and separation variables is applied to gain analytical soluti...