Bakalaura darbā „Presuppozīcijas jēdziens Roberta Stalnakera filozofijā” salīdzināta semantiskā un pragmatiskā presuppozīciju analīze. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek sniegts ieskats presuppozīcijas jēdziena definīcijās un aprakstos, ko sniedz valodas filozofi- Dīdra Vilsone, Lauri Kartunens, Irēne Heima un Deivids Luiss. Otrā nodaļa sastāv no Roberta Stalnakera filozofijas vispārēja apskata. Tiek aprakstīti jēdzieni, kas ir nozīmīgi Stalnakera pragmatiskās presuppozīcijas izpratnei- iespējamo pasauļu teorija, propozīcijas, pragmatikas un semantikas nošķīrums. Darba trešā nodaļa sastāv no Roberta Stalnakera ieviestā pragmatiskās presuppozīcijas jēdziena apskata. Saskaņā ar pragmatisko konceptu, presuppozīcija ir propozicionāla attieksme, nevis semantis...
In interaction we use language. Language is a symbol vocal arbitrar that allows everyone in a given ...
This paper advances an approach to presupposition rooted in the concept of commitment, a dialectical...
<p></p><p>Abstract: Phenomenon known for its ambivalent behavior, presupposition has been challengin...
Presupposition has long history in philosophy of language and linguistic semantics. Recent works in ...
A presupposition is normally a proposition that is or has to be taken for granted, or ‘supposed’, be...
This article deals with the pragmatic notion of presupposition and is defined pragmatic presuppositi...
In this paper I elaborate on previous criticisms of the influential Stalnakerian account of presuppo...
On the Presupposition Projection in Czech I understand presupposition as both an implication and a s...
W tekście autor nawiązuje do niedawno przedstawionej idei Marka Smolaka i szkicuję możliwe zastosowa...
This paper is descriptive qualitative which describes the types of presuppositions and their meaning...
This article focuses on the study of the phenomenon of linguistic pressupposition. The theoretical f...
This paper is concerned with the concept of ‘presupposition’, specifically as it is applied in criti...
Peter Strawson attacked Bertrand Russell\u27s theory of descriptions by arguing that utterances of s...
International audienceThis chapter presents the most influential linguistic approaches to presupposi...
In the paper, the author comments on some ideas recently presented by Marek Smolak. The aim of the p...
In interaction we use language. Language is a symbol vocal arbitrar that allows everyone in a given ...
This paper advances an approach to presupposition rooted in the concept of commitment, a dialectical...
<p></p><p>Abstract: Phenomenon known for its ambivalent behavior, presupposition has been challengin...
Presupposition has long history in philosophy of language and linguistic semantics. Recent works in ...
A presupposition is normally a proposition that is or has to be taken for granted, or ‘supposed’, be...
This article deals with the pragmatic notion of presupposition and is defined pragmatic presuppositi...
In this paper I elaborate on previous criticisms of the influential Stalnakerian account of presuppo...
On the Presupposition Projection in Czech I understand presupposition as both an implication and a s...
W tekście autor nawiązuje do niedawno przedstawionej idei Marka Smolaka i szkicuję możliwe zastosowa...
This paper is descriptive qualitative which describes the types of presuppositions and their meaning...
This article focuses on the study of the phenomenon of linguistic pressupposition. The theoretical f...
This paper is concerned with the concept of ‘presupposition’, specifically as it is applied in criti...
Peter Strawson attacked Bertrand Russell\u27s theory of descriptions by arguing that utterances of s...
International audienceThis chapter presents the most influential linguistic approaches to presupposi...
In the paper, the author comments on some ideas recently presented by Marek Smolak. The aim of the p...
In interaction we use language. Language is a symbol vocal arbitrar that allows everyone in a given ...
This paper advances an approach to presupposition rooted in the concept of commitment, a dialectical...
<p></p><p>Abstract: Phenomenon known for its ambivalent behavior, presupposition has been challengin...