Šī darba mērķis ir izanalizēt Daniela Deneta evolucionāro pieeju apziņai. Mērķa sasniegšanai tiek, pirmkārt, iezīmēta apziņas problemātika un daži šo jautājumu vēsturiskie risinājumi, otrkārt, aplūkota Deneta piedāvātā zinātniskā pieeja apziņai un tās saturam – heterofenomenoloģija, un, treškārt, izsekots un izanalizēts Deneta piedāvātajam cilvēka prāta izcelsmi aprakstošajam evolucionārajam naratīvam. Darba gaitā tiek secināts, ka apziņas izcelsmes analīze uzrāda apziņu kā ļoti kompleksu fenomenu, tiek rasti pamati Deneta mehānistiskajai valodai, ko viņš bieži lieto, runājot par apziņu, kā arī tiek secināts, ka vismaz viens veids, kā Denets piedāvā domāt par apziņu – apziņas kā Džoisa mašīnas modelis, ir pārāk liels evolucionārā naratīva s...
Daniel Dennett provides many compelling reasons to question the existence of phenomenal experiences ...
What is consciousness? The conference is about consciousness, one of the most fascinating but also m...
In his paper “Why and how does consciousness seem the way it seems?”, Daniel Dennett argues that phi...
Šis darbs nodarbojas ar Daniela Deneta apziņas teorijas evolucionāro premisu interpretāciju un analī...
In this thesis, possibility of strong artificial intelligence is investigated in the domain of recen...
The nature of phenomenal consciousness has been the subject of much debate. It seems that the phenom...
Spór na temat zależności jakie zachodzą pomiędzy umysłem a ciałem dominuje zagadnienia poruszane prz...
Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.This paper is an analysis of aspects of Daniel Denne...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest próba odpowiedzi na pytania: ”W jaki sposób wyewoluowała ludzka świadomo...
There have been various attempts to apply Darwinian evolutionary theory to an understanding of the h...
Topic of this thesis is Dennett's criticism of the philosophical notion of qualia. First, the notion...
If all beings have consciousness in some way, so it is not something that is evolved by mankind. It ...
Once one rejects the interactionist dualism as a theory of the mind, the concept of quale yields a c...
It is hypothesized that hierarchically negentropic systems (defined herein), including organisms, ar...
W pracy omawia się i odpiera zarzut z nieskończonego regresu Uriaha Kriegla wymierzony w teorię inte...
Daniel Dennett provides many compelling reasons to question the existence of phenomenal experiences ...
What is consciousness? The conference is about consciousness, one of the most fascinating but also m...
In his paper “Why and how does consciousness seem the way it seems?”, Daniel Dennett argues that phi...
Šis darbs nodarbojas ar Daniela Deneta apziņas teorijas evolucionāro premisu interpretāciju un analī...
In this thesis, possibility of strong artificial intelligence is investigated in the domain of recen...
The nature of phenomenal consciousness has been the subject of much debate. It seems that the phenom...
Spór na temat zależności jakie zachodzą pomiędzy umysłem a ciałem dominuje zagadnienia poruszane prz...
Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.This paper is an analysis of aspects of Daniel Denne...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest próba odpowiedzi na pytania: ”W jaki sposób wyewoluowała ludzka świadomo...
There have been various attempts to apply Darwinian evolutionary theory to an understanding of the h...
Topic of this thesis is Dennett's criticism of the philosophical notion of qualia. First, the notion...
If all beings have consciousness in some way, so it is not something that is evolved by mankind. It ...
Once one rejects the interactionist dualism as a theory of the mind, the concept of quale yields a c...
It is hypothesized that hierarchically negentropic systems (defined herein), including organisms, ar...
W pracy omawia się i odpiera zarzut z nieskończonego regresu Uriaha Kriegla wymierzony w teorię inte...
Daniel Dennett provides many compelling reasons to question the existence of phenomenal experiences ...
What is consciousness? The conference is about consciousness, one of the most fascinating but also m...
In his paper “Why and how does consciousness seem the way it seems?”, Daniel Dennett argues that phi...