Mūsdienās liela uzmanība tiek pievērsta informatīvo tehnoloģiju izmantošanai skolās. Galvenais uzdevums IT izmantošanā KKS stundās ne tikai sniegt skolēniem zināšanas, bet arī iemācīt audzināmos patstāvīgi meklēt un apgūt tās. Prasme apstrādāt informāciju mūsdienās ir samērā vērtīgs ieguvums. Sakarā ar to, gribētu apskatīt savā darbā IT palīdzības iespējas skolotājam mērķu sasniegšanai. Tika izvirzīti sekojoši uzdevumi: iepazīties ar zinātniski – pedagoģisko literatūru interneta resursu izmantošanā KKS stundās. Analizēt mācību līdzekli “Здравствуй, это я!” 8. klases skolēniem. Sameklēt interneta resursus, ko var izmantot KKS mācīšanā. Pārbaudīt un aprobēt materiālus KKS stundās, izmantojot interneta resursus. Sagatavot metodiskās rekomendāc...
In recent decades, interest in the topic of innovation has increased significantly, especially in th...
This article is dedicated to the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in ...
AbstractThis article is dedicated to the integration of information and communication technologies (...
Darba autore: Elīna Petroženko Diplomdarba temats: “Informācijas tehnoloģiju izmantošana 6. klases s...
Advantages of using computer programs over traditional teaching methods. Functional potentialities o...
In the last decade, the use of innovative technologies in the methodology of teaching Russian as a f...
Izjemno hiter tehnološki razvoj je prinesel velike spremembe v šolski sistem, kar še posebej drži za...
© 2016 Valeev et al.Modern Russian educational system is focused today on the use of interactive tec...
The article deals with the use of the potential of interactive forms and methods in teaching the Rus...
The search for innovative solutions in teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) is more imperati...
© 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved. This article is devoted...
Статья посвящена роли дистанционных образовательных технологий в процессе обучения русскому языку ка...
The role of information technologies in teaching the Russian language is invaluable. It is also impo...
This article talks about the importance of information technologies in teaching the Russian language...
The relevance of this article and its significance are due to the modern development of high technol...
In recent decades, interest in the topic of innovation has increased significantly, especially in th...
This article is dedicated to the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in ...
AbstractThis article is dedicated to the integration of information and communication technologies (...
Darba autore: Elīna Petroženko Diplomdarba temats: “Informācijas tehnoloģiju izmantošana 6. klases s...
Advantages of using computer programs over traditional teaching methods. Functional potentialities o...
In the last decade, the use of innovative technologies in the methodology of teaching Russian as a f...
Izjemno hiter tehnološki razvoj je prinesel velike spremembe v šolski sistem, kar še posebej drži za...
© 2016 Valeev et al.Modern Russian educational system is focused today on the use of interactive tec...
The article deals with the use of the potential of interactive forms and methods in teaching the Rus...
The search for innovative solutions in teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) is more imperati...
© 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved. This article is devoted...
Статья посвящена роли дистанционных образовательных технологий в процессе обучения русскому языку ка...
The role of information technologies in teaching the Russian language is invaluable. It is also impo...
This article talks about the importance of information technologies in teaching the Russian language...
The relevance of this article and its significance are due to the modern development of high technol...
In recent decades, interest in the topic of innovation has increased significantly, especially in th...
This article is dedicated to the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in ...
AbstractThis article is dedicated to the integration of information and communication technologies (...