Maģistra darbā tika izvirzītas divas hipotēzes, patīkama(citrona) smarža veicinās pozitīvu filmas epizožu reproducēšanu un nepatīkama(jasmīna) smarža veicinās negatīvu filmas epizožu reproducēšanu. Šī pētījuma ietvaros tika veikts eksperiments, telpā, kurā tiks rādīta īsfilma, tika izsmidzināts vai nu patīkama vai nepatīkama smarža, kas veicina pozitīvu vai negatīvu atmiņu par filmu aktualizēšanu jeb reproducēšanu pēc vienas nedēļas. Eksperimentā piedalījās tikai sievietes (n = 26, vidējais vecums 28 gadi). Pilotpētījumā izlasi (n=99) veidoja psiholoģijas un pedagoģijas studenti, vidējais vecums 26 gadi, galvenokārt sievietes. Pilotpētījumā no trim patīkamām, trim nepatīkamām un trim īsfilmām, tika atlasīts stimulmateriāls eksperimentam. St...
Tender scent is a film about perfumer Rita who finds that her favorite scents are all leading to the...
This study compared memories evoked by olfactory and visual stimuli. It was hypothesised that autobi...
L’affaiblissement de la mémoire autobiographique survient de manière précoce dans la maladie d’Alzhe...
Liczne badania pokazują skuteczny wpływ wyobrażania na powstanie fałszywych wspomnień autobiograficz...
Teoretično sestavljeno diplomsko delo obravnava področje marketinga doživetij ter se osredotoča na v...
This study describes how scents can be a trigger for the memories about relationships. Scents inhale...
From the very earliest days of public cinema (moving pictures), there has been consideration about h...
Bakalaura darbs „Smarža kā komunikācijas līdzeklis” ir veltīts smaržu uztveres jautājumiem un īpaši ...
“Aroma” is about the power of scent. It explores the idea that a particular smell allows for the rec...
The Swinburne Sensory Emotion Association Survey (SSEAS) was developed in a study designed to evalua...
Sposobnost mirisa da pobude autobiografska sjećanja kod osobe dobro je dokumentiran i poznat fenomen...
The aim of the current study was to examine the influence of unpleasant odor of ammonia on memorizin...
Past research has suggested that there is a special neural connectivity between the olfactory cortex...
The sense of smell is set apart from other sensory modalities. Odours possess the capacity to trigge...
This bachelor thesis study sense of smell as mean to enhance marketing communication. In theoretical...
Tender scent is a film about perfumer Rita who finds that her favorite scents are all leading to the...
This study compared memories evoked by olfactory and visual stimuli. It was hypothesised that autobi...
L’affaiblissement de la mémoire autobiographique survient de manière précoce dans la maladie d’Alzhe...
Liczne badania pokazują skuteczny wpływ wyobrażania na powstanie fałszywych wspomnień autobiograficz...
Teoretično sestavljeno diplomsko delo obravnava področje marketinga doživetij ter se osredotoča na v...
This study describes how scents can be a trigger for the memories about relationships. Scents inhale...
From the very earliest days of public cinema (moving pictures), there has been consideration about h...
Bakalaura darbs „Smarža kā komunikācijas līdzeklis” ir veltīts smaržu uztveres jautājumiem un īpaši ...
“Aroma” is about the power of scent. It explores the idea that a particular smell allows for the rec...
The Swinburne Sensory Emotion Association Survey (SSEAS) was developed in a study designed to evalua...
Sposobnost mirisa da pobude autobiografska sjećanja kod osobe dobro je dokumentiran i poznat fenomen...
The aim of the current study was to examine the influence of unpleasant odor of ammonia on memorizin...
Past research has suggested that there is a special neural connectivity between the olfactory cortex...
The sense of smell is set apart from other sensory modalities. Odours possess the capacity to trigge...
This bachelor thesis study sense of smell as mean to enhance marketing communication. In theoretical...
Tender scent is a film about perfumer Rita who finds that her favorite scents are all leading to the...
This study compared memories evoked by olfactory and visual stimuli. It was hypothesised that autobi...
L’affaiblissement de la mémoire autobiographique survient de manière précoce dans la maladie d’Alzhe...