Interneta dienasgrāmatas ir jauns līdzeklis izglītībā, konkrēti – angļu valodas kā svešvalodas apmācībā, jo tas balstās uz rakstīšanu un saziņu. Darba izstrādē lietotā pētniecības metode bija gadījumu izpēte, kas, analizējot izvēlētos interneta dienasgrāmatu paraugus, ļāva uzskatāmi parādīt, kā interneta dienasgrāmatas ir izmantojamas rakstīšanas prasmju pilnveidē. Darbs satur rezultātus pēc vidusskolas skolotāju un skolēnu aptaujas, kurā noskaidroja interneta dienasgrāmatu lietošanas potenciālu angļu valodas kā svešvalodas stundās. Diplomdarba ietvaros veiktā izpēte pierādīja, ka skolotāji, pieliekot zināmas pūles, lai apgūtu interneta dienasgrāmatu uzturēšanu, plānojot darbu un sagatavojot tam skolēnus, var sekmīgi integrēt interneta dien...
In teaching writing, media is an essential aspect This research discovers students’ perception on we...
With the recent advances in internet, the writing instruction that is proved to produce positive eff...
The digital explosion of information on the Internet has resulted in a need for a new and up-to-date...
In recent years we have seen the Internet become an inherent part of our lives, not only as a source...
Literatūras pārskats par rakstīšanas prasmju attīstību atklāj nepilnības empīriskā pētījumā, kurš i...
Diplomdarbā tiek apskatīti jautājumi par Internetu un Interneta blogiem skolās. Mūsdienās kad Intern...
Abstract: This study sought to find out how the Fourth Semester Students of English Language Educati...
To support students’ academic success, it is essential to equip them with good ability in writing. H...
This research aims to develop weblog as media in teaching writing of senior high school students. I...
To support students’ academic success, it is essential to equip them with good ability in writing. H...
Among the four skills in English teaching and learning, writing has a rather limited portion in high...
Educators are always looking for interesting and innovative ways in which to improve the communicati...
Educators are always looking for interesting and innovative ways in which to improve the communicati...
Perceived, until recently, as a powerful research and communication tool, the internet with new web ...
This research aims to develop weblog as media in teaching writing of senior high school students. I...
In teaching writing, media is an essential aspect This research discovers students’ perception on we...
With the recent advances in internet, the writing instruction that is proved to produce positive eff...
The digital explosion of information on the Internet has resulted in a need for a new and up-to-date...
In recent years we have seen the Internet become an inherent part of our lives, not only as a source...
Literatūras pārskats par rakstīšanas prasmju attīstību atklāj nepilnības empīriskā pētījumā, kurš i...
Diplomdarbā tiek apskatīti jautājumi par Internetu un Interneta blogiem skolās. Mūsdienās kad Intern...
Abstract: This study sought to find out how the Fourth Semester Students of English Language Educati...
To support students’ academic success, it is essential to equip them with good ability in writing. H...
This research aims to develop weblog as media in teaching writing of senior high school students. I...
To support students’ academic success, it is essential to equip them with good ability in writing. H...
Among the four skills in English teaching and learning, writing has a rather limited portion in high...
Educators are always looking for interesting and innovative ways in which to improve the communicati...
Educators are always looking for interesting and innovative ways in which to improve the communicati...
Perceived, until recently, as a powerful research and communication tool, the internet with new web ...
This research aims to develop weblog as media in teaching writing of senior high school students. I...
In teaching writing, media is an essential aspect This research discovers students’ perception on we...
With the recent advances in internet, the writing instruction that is proved to produce positive eff...
The digital explosion of information on the Internet has resulted in a need for a new and up-to-date...