Ņina Timofejeva Krievu klasiskā dzeja Vladimira Nabokova romānā "Mašeņka" (1926): bakalaura darbs. Rīga, 2010. – 85 lpp. Bakalaura darbs ir veltīts krievu klasiskās dzejas alūziju atklāšanai romānā. Darba mērķis ir identificēt cēloņus, ar kurām vadījās Vladimirs Nabokovs, iekļaujot romānā alūzijas uz krievu klasisko dzeju. Autors veic intertekstuālo un starptekstuālo romāna „Mašeņka” un tā prototipisko tekstu analīzi. Īpaša uzmanība ir veltīta romāna nosaukuma un epigrāfa analīzei. Pirmajā darba nodaļā pamatojoties uz zinātniskajiem avotiem tiek noteikti alūziju pamatvirzieni Vladimira Nabokova daiļradē. Otrajā nodaļā tiek veikts starptekstuālo romāna un krievu klasiskās dzejas saišu pētījums. Pētījums var ieinteresēt filologus, kas nodarb...
This paper aims to present music and musicality as aspects of Vladimir Nabokov’s prose, as well as h...
A partir des premières nouvelles années européennes jusqu'aux derniers romans américains, le thème d...
Vladimir Nabokov and russian ornemental prose That Nabokov as a Russian writer was formed within th...
Ovaj diplomski rad se bavi istraživanjem koncepta ornamentalnosti u romanu Lužinova obrana (Zaščita...
Aleksandra Bokova V.Nabokova romāna „Lolita” tulkojuma problēmas latviešu valodā: bakalaura darbs.-R...
Erotic love in a few of Vladimir Nabokov’s Russian-language works. Nabokov and Vladimir Solovy...
Specifying motifs occurring in the texture of the entire oeuvre of Nabokov the paper aims at re-eval...
The article deals with Nabokov's first Russian novel subsequently translated into English. It provid...
One of the most important features of the article is that the research described herein is based on ...
Celem mojej pracy jest zaprezentowanie utworów z różnych okresów twórczych Vladimira Nabokova, porów...
In his Preface to the American edition of Dar, Vladimir Nabokov has maintained that the real heroine...
Nora Buhks, A scaffold in the Crystal Palace : in connection with the novel of Vl. Nabokov, Priglash...
Darbs veltīts krievu rakstnieka Vladimira Nabokova dzejas izpētei. Darba mērķis ir atrast pamatmotīv...
Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se analizom glavnog ženskog lika u romanu Lolita Vladimira Vladimiroviča Nab...
Praca licencjacka pod tytułem "Vladimir Nabokov – inne oblicza miłości (na podstawie wybranych utwor...
This paper aims to present music and musicality as aspects of Vladimir Nabokov’s prose, as well as h...
A partir des premières nouvelles années européennes jusqu'aux derniers romans américains, le thème d...
Vladimir Nabokov and russian ornemental prose That Nabokov as a Russian writer was formed within th...
Ovaj diplomski rad se bavi istraživanjem koncepta ornamentalnosti u romanu Lužinova obrana (Zaščita...
Aleksandra Bokova V.Nabokova romāna „Lolita” tulkojuma problēmas latviešu valodā: bakalaura darbs.-R...
Erotic love in a few of Vladimir Nabokov’s Russian-language works. Nabokov and Vladimir Solovy...
Specifying motifs occurring in the texture of the entire oeuvre of Nabokov the paper aims at re-eval...
The article deals with Nabokov's first Russian novel subsequently translated into English. It provid...
One of the most important features of the article is that the research described herein is based on ...
Celem mojej pracy jest zaprezentowanie utworów z różnych okresów twórczych Vladimira Nabokova, porów...
In his Preface to the American edition of Dar, Vladimir Nabokov has maintained that the real heroine...
Nora Buhks, A scaffold in the Crystal Palace : in connection with the novel of Vl. Nabokov, Priglash...
Darbs veltīts krievu rakstnieka Vladimira Nabokova dzejas izpētei. Darba mērķis ir atrast pamatmotīv...
Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se analizom glavnog ženskog lika u romanu Lolita Vladimira Vladimiroviča Nab...
Praca licencjacka pod tytułem "Vladimir Nabokov – inne oblicza miłości (na podstawie wybranych utwor...
This paper aims to present music and musicality as aspects of Vladimir Nabokov’s prose, as well as h...
A partir des premières nouvelles années européennes jusqu'aux derniers romans américains, le thème d...
Vladimir Nabokov and russian ornemental prose That Nabokov as a Russian writer was formed within th...