Šai darbā autore izpētījusi uzskatus, atmiņas, un attiecības starp tiem latviešiem, lietuviešiem, un igauņiem kuri emigrēja, un tiem, kuri palika savās dzimtenēs padomju režīma laikā. Informāciju par šiem gadījumiem smēlām no dažādiem dokumentu tipiem, kas ietver avīzes, žurnālus, literārus darbus, memuārus, un akadēmiskus darbus. Lai veiktu padziļinātu pētījumu, autore veica divas aptaujas ar autores izstrādātu anketu palīdzību, kā arī autore vāca papildus informāciju no latviešiem, kuri dzīvo Latvijā, un no latviešiem, kuri tagad dzīvo trimdā. Darba pirmajā daļā autore analizējusi no kulturāli vēsturiska viedokļa dažādus padomju publikācijas tipus, kas bija gatavoti plašākai publikai. Ar šo publikāciju analīzi autore pēta, kā Baltijas tr...
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAmatiermāksla Latvijā: kopienas attīstība un kultūrpolitika /...
The article analyses the attitude of the Lithuanian society to Hymans plans by disclosing the reason...
The notion of belonging has often been examined from the perspective of location and the politics of...
In this research differencesbetween discrepancies in evaluations of value importance and reachabilit...
In this research differences between discrepancies in evaluations of value importance and reachabili...
Driven by various motives, Latvian emigrants and exiles have been voluntarily or involuntarily choos...
The present article follows the formation of a view on the Latvian mythology, distinctly different f...
The aim of this article is to get an insight into the testimonies of the prominent personalities of ...
The research deals with the emigration of Latvians to Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries, its mot...
Bakalaura darba „Latvijas tēla veidošanas aspektu vērtējums Latvijas masu medijos -„Diena”, „Neatkar...
The article deals with the recent tendencies of the names given to new-borns in Latvia during the la...
Based on the fact that several hundred thousand Latvian citizens have chosen another country as thei...
In the world, during the past 10 years, when evaluating development of a particular area, there has ...
Bēgļa statusa pieteikuma iesniegšana un galīgā lēmuma saņemšana ilgst no trīs mēnešiem līdz divpadsm...
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAmatiermāksla Latvijā: kopienas attīstība un kultūrpolitika /...
The article analyses the attitude of the Lithuanian society to Hymans plans by disclosing the reason...
The notion of belonging has often been examined from the perspective of location and the politics of...
In this research differencesbetween discrepancies in evaluations of value importance and reachabilit...
In this research differences between discrepancies in evaluations of value importance and reachabili...
Driven by various motives, Latvian emigrants and exiles have been voluntarily or involuntarily choos...
The present article follows the formation of a view on the Latvian mythology, distinctly different f...
The aim of this article is to get an insight into the testimonies of the prominent personalities of ...
The research deals with the emigration of Latvians to Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries, its mot...
Bakalaura darba „Latvijas tēla veidošanas aspektu vērtējums Latvijas masu medijos -„Diena”, „Neatkar...
The article deals with the recent tendencies of the names given to new-borns in Latvia during the la...
Based on the fact that several hundred thousand Latvian citizens have chosen another country as thei...
In the world, during the past 10 years, when evaluating development of a particular area, there has ...
Bēgļa statusa pieteikuma iesniegšana un galīgā lēmuma saņemšana ilgst no trīs mēnešiem līdz divpadsm...
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAmatiermāksla Latvijā: kopienas attīstība un kultūrpolitika /...
The article analyses the attitude of the Lithuanian society to Hymans plans by disclosing the reason...
The notion of belonging has often been examined from the perspective of location and the politics of...