Apokatastāses jēdziens ir izprasts dažādi gan no stoiķu puses, gan no kristiešu avotos esošās informācijas, ko Origēns ļoti labi ir mācējis atšķirt. Origēns patiesībā ir iebildis stoiķu doktrīnai par nebeidzamās atgriešanās jēdzienu, lai parādītu, ka kristiešu doktrīna par to ir citādāka. Stoiķu aions nav tas pats, kas kristiešu mūžība. Atšķirības starp stoiķu apokatastāses teoriju un Origēna doktrīnu par apokatastāsi izpaužas tajā, ka, stoiķi postulē nebeidzamu mūžību (aionu) sēriju, kamēr Origēns virzīja visu aionu beigas precīzi eventuālajā jeb galīgajā apokatastāsē, kas būs viena vienīga, absolūti mūžīga un pieliks punktu katram laicīgajam laikam (xρόνος) un katram aionam. Kā arī stoiķi domāja, ka katrā no mūžībām notiks viens un tas pa...
In this paper, which is part of a Master (The psychological meaning of the liturgical Apodosis of Ch...
In this paper, which is part of a Master (The psychological meaning of the liturgical Apodosis of Ch...
In this paper, which is part of a Master (The psychological meaning of the liturgical Apodosis of Ch...
Origen\u27s contributions to the history of Christian theology and spirituality have been the subjec...
Augustin po vlastitu svjedočanstvu nije dobro poznavao Origenova djela. No to ne znači da su mu bile...
As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean t...
Augustin po vlastitu svjedočanstvu nije dobro poznavao Origenova djela. No to ne znači da su mu bile...
As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean t...
As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean t...
As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean t...
Spór o „nadzieję zbawienia dla wszystkich” był (jest?) jedną z najciekawszych debat teologii przeło...
V diplomskem delu Epektaza in apokatastaza pri Gregorju iz Nise je podana podrobna analiza dveh osre...
The articles of this volume shed new light on the reception of Origen’s concepts of free will and un...
Hauptthema der kanonischen Apokalypse ist nicht Geschichte der Erlösung, sondern die als Einschreite...
Dissertação de mestrado focado em análise de aspectos escatológicos da obra de Orígenes de Alexandri...
In this paper, which is part of a Master (The psychological meaning of the liturgical Apodosis of Ch...
In this paper, which is part of a Master (The psychological meaning of the liturgical Apodosis of Ch...
In this paper, which is part of a Master (The psychological meaning of the liturgical Apodosis of Ch...
Origen\u27s contributions to the history of Christian theology and spirituality have been the subjec...
Augustin po vlastitu svjedočanstvu nije dobro poznavao Origenova djela. No to ne znači da su mu bile...
As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean t...
Augustin po vlastitu svjedočanstvu nije dobro poznavao Origenova djela. No to ne znači da su mu bile...
As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean t...
As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean t...
As Augustine himself testifies, he did not know Origen’s work so well. However, this does not mean t...
Spór o „nadzieję zbawienia dla wszystkich” był (jest?) jedną z najciekawszych debat teologii przeło...
V diplomskem delu Epektaza in apokatastaza pri Gregorju iz Nise je podana podrobna analiza dveh osre...
The articles of this volume shed new light on the reception of Origen’s concepts of free will and un...
Hauptthema der kanonischen Apokalypse ist nicht Geschichte der Erlösung, sondern die als Einschreite...
Dissertação de mestrado focado em análise de aspectos escatológicos da obra de Orígenes de Alexandri...
In this paper, which is part of a Master (The psychological meaning of the liturgical Apodosis of Ch...
In this paper, which is part of a Master (The psychological meaning of the liturgical Apodosis of Ch...
In this paper, which is part of a Master (The psychological meaning of the liturgical Apodosis of Ch...