Mūsdienās, runājot par kristīgo Baznīcu, cilvēki pilnīgi nošķir Romas Katoļu Baznīcu un Austrumu Pareizticīgo Baznīcu, kuru mācība un tradīcijas šķiet esam kaut kas pilnīgi atšķirīgs. Taču kādreiz, pirms 1054. Gada, Katoļu Baznīca sevī ietvēra gan Romas Katoļu Baznīcu, gan Austrumu Katoļu Baznīcu. Darbs „Disciplināro un rituālo atšķirību teoloģizācijas loma 1054. gada shizmas ģenēzē” ir kā atgādinājums par šo divu kristīgo Baznīcu kādreizējo vienotību, kā arī par to, kāds tad ir bijis patiesais to šķelšanās iemesls. Darba autors, aplūkojot dažādus ekonomiskos, sociālos, politiskos, kā arī teoloģiska rakstura faktorus gan Rietumu Katoļu Baznīcā, gan Austrumu Katoļu Baznīcā, secina, ka par 1054. gada Lielās Šķelšanās pamata iemeslu bijusi po...
Practicaly until today there haven’t appeared objectiv scientific works concerning begining and evol...
W artykule zaprezentowałem kilka uwag dotyczących praktyk magicznych chrześcijan, które odnaleźć moż...
Calvin scholars debate whether Calvin’s theology supports the Eastern Orthodox theosis, which advoc...
For a thousand years the church was regarded as a unit in spite of various sects and occasional viol...
The historical tapestry of Medieval Europe was woven together with numerous profoundly influential t...
Razdoblje prvih deset stoljeća kršćanstva obilježeno je različitim crkvenim raskolima koji su utjeca...
The Orthodox-Catholic schism is an evident breakdown in the map of the Una Sancta. Understanding its...
A group of people within the Johannine community (2:18) contributed towards destroying the (fellowsh...
This article above could be called as a supplement to the History of the Church – it has been writte...
Veliki raskol ili Velika shizma (grč. podrijetla, znači ''razderati'') historiografski je naziv za o...
This article is supplementary in nature and was not written to give a narrative presentation of the ...
Nakon ranih stoljeća kršćanstva postalo je jasno da su se rimska zapadna crkva i istočna carigradska...
Gouillard Jean. Steven Runciman, The eastern schism : a study on the papacy and the eastern churches...
Defence date: 23 September 2014Examining Board: Professor Stephen Anthony Smith, European University...
Veliki raskol ili Velika šizma (grč. podrijetla, znači ''razderati'') označava kanonsko odvajanje i ...
Practicaly until today there haven’t appeared objectiv scientific works concerning begining and evol...
W artykule zaprezentowałem kilka uwag dotyczących praktyk magicznych chrześcijan, które odnaleźć moż...
Calvin scholars debate whether Calvin’s theology supports the Eastern Orthodox theosis, which advoc...
For a thousand years the church was regarded as a unit in spite of various sects and occasional viol...
The historical tapestry of Medieval Europe was woven together with numerous profoundly influential t...
Razdoblje prvih deset stoljeća kršćanstva obilježeno je različitim crkvenim raskolima koji su utjeca...
The Orthodox-Catholic schism is an evident breakdown in the map of the Una Sancta. Understanding its...
A group of people within the Johannine community (2:18) contributed towards destroying the (fellowsh...
This article above could be called as a supplement to the History of the Church – it has been writte...
Veliki raskol ili Velika shizma (grč. podrijetla, znači ''razderati'') historiografski je naziv za o...
This article is supplementary in nature and was not written to give a narrative presentation of the ...
Nakon ranih stoljeća kršćanstva postalo je jasno da su se rimska zapadna crkva i istočna carigradska...
Gouillard Jean. Steven Runciman, The eastern schism : a study on the papacy and the eastern churches...
Defence date: 23 September 2014Examining Board: Professor Stephen Anthony Smith, European University...
Veliki raskol ili Velika šizma (grč. podrijetla, znači ''razderati'') označava kanonsko odvajanje i ...
Practicaly until today there haven’t appeared objectiv scientific works concerning begining and evol...
W artykule zaprezentowałem kilka uwag dotyczących praktyk magicznych chrześcijan, które odnaleźć moż...
Calvin scholars debate whether Calvin’s theology supports the Eastern Orthodox theosis, which advoc...