This article deals with Latvian becoming the dominant language in Latvia. The results of the study s...
Aim. To show and describe the current situation in Latvian language as a case study of the problem a...
Tyrimas parodo, kokia kalba vyksta mokslo komunikacija Lietuvoje. Gauti rezultatai pateikia duomenų ...
The Baltic languages have been the object of linguistic research for more than 150 years. In the sec...
Higher education in the Social Sciences and Humanities has undergone many structural changes in Latv...
This paper will focus on the LL of Daugavpils from a diachronic point of view in order to describe t...
Diplomdarba „Latviešu valoda kā līdzeklis sociālo zinību apguvei mazākumtautību skolās 2.klasē ” dar...
The ten contributions to this volume present original research on grammar and discourse in modern Li...
This paper focuses on the cases related to language use in higher education in the Constitutional Co...
Analysis of the pre-1989 situation; Redefinition of the discipline since 1990; Core theoretical and ...
Theoretical studies of Latvian grammar have a great deal to offer to contemporary linguistics. Altho...
Šī elektroniskā bibliogrāfija aptver no pētniecības pirmsākumiem 19. gadsimtā līdz 2019. gadam tapuš...
Theoretical studies of Latvian grammar have a great deal to offer to contemporary linguistics. Altho...
Akadēmiskā diskursa pētniecība ir piesaistījusi daudzu valodnieku interesi, taču līdz šim šajā jomā ...
This article deals with Latvian becoming the dominant language in Latvia. The results of the study s...
Aim. To show and describe the current situation in Latvian language as a case study of the problem a...
Tyrimas parodo, kokia kalba vyksta mokslo komunikacija Lietuvoje. Gauti rezultatai pateikia duomenų ...
The Baltic languages have been the object of linguistic research for more than 150 years. In the sec...
Higher education in the Social Sciences and Humanities has undergone many structural changes in Latv...
This paper will focus on the LL of Daugavpils from a diachronic point of view in order to describe t...
Diplomdarba „Latviešu valoda kā līdzeklis sociālo zinību apguvei mazākumtautību skolās 2.klasē ” dar...
The ten contributions to this volume present original research on grammar and discourse in modern Li...
This paper focuses on the cases related to language use in higher education in the Constitutional Co...
Analysis of the pre-1989 situation; Redefinition of the discipline since 1990; Core theoretical and ...
Theoretical studies of Latvian grammar have a great deal to offer to contemporary linguistics. Altho...
Šī elektroniskā bibliogrāfija aptver no pētniecības pirmsākumiem 19. gadsimtā līdz 2019. gadam tapuš...
Theoretical studies of Latvian grammar have a great deal to offer to contemporary linguistics. Altho...
Akadēmiskā diskursa pētniecība ir piesaistījusi daudzu valodnieku interesi, taču līdz šim šajā jomā ...
This article deals with Latvian becoming the dominant language in Latvia. The results of the study s...
Aim. To show and describe the current situation in Latvian language as a case study of the problem a...
Tyrimas parodo, kokia kalba vyksta mokslo komunikacija Lietuvoje. Gauti rezultatai pateikia duomenų ...