Open lichen woodlands (LWs) are degraded stands that lack the ability to regenerate naturally due to a succession of natural and/or anthropogenic disturbances. As they represent both interesting forest restoration and carbon sequestration opportunities, we tested disc scarification and planting of two sizes of containerized black spruce (Picea mariana Mill. (BSP)) seedlings for their afforestation. We compared treatment of unproductive LWs to reforestation of harvested, closed-crown black spruce-feathermoss (BSFM) stands. After one year, seedling survival and nutritional status were equivalent among stand types but despite higher root elongation index (REI), planted seedlings in LWs had lower relative growth rate, smaller total biomass and ...
We studied mature and adjacent open lichenâ spruce woodlands (LWs) and closed-canopy spruceâ feath...
The eastern spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.); SBW) has been present in spruce-fir fo...
In the boreal forest, long-lasting canopy gaps are associated with lichens on dry sites and with Sph...
Open lichen woodlands (LWs) are degraded stands that lack the ability to regenerate naturally due to...
Open lichen woodlands (LWs) are degraded stands that lack the ability to regenerate naturally due to...
Black spruce-lichen woodlands (LW) are naturally occurring unproductive low tree density stands with...
Since 1950, the creation of open woodlands has increased in Canada's northeastern continuous boreal ...
Black spruce-lichen woodlands are low tree density stands within the closed crown, North American bo...
Lichen woodlands (LWs) are persistent unproductive areas of the Canadian boreal forests whose affore...
The afforestation of widely distributed boreal open woodlands such as lichen woodlands (LWs) could p...
Lichen woodlands (LW) located in the closed-crown boreal forest are not a successional stage moving ...
Black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) is the dominant tree species in the Canadian province of...
Climate change is likely to affect the growth, development and regeneration of the black spruce stan...
Boreal lichen woodlands (LWs) are stable low tree-density zones of the Canadian boreal forest whose ...
It has been suggested that without sufficient soil disturbance, harvest in boreal forested peatlands...
We studied mature and adjacent open lichenâ spruce woodlands (LWs) and closed-canopy spruceâ feath...
The eastern spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.); SBW) has been present in spruce-fir fo...
In the boreal forest, long-lasting canopy gaps are associated with lichens on dry sites and with Sph...
Open lichen woodlands (LWs) are degraded stands that lack the ability to regenerate naturally due to...
Open lichen woodlands (LWs) are degraded stands that lack the ability to regenerate naturally due to...
Black spruce-lichen woodlands (LW) are naturally occurring unproductive low tree density stands with...
Since 1950, the creation of open woodlands has increased in Canada's northeastern continuous boreal ...
Black spruce-lichen woodlands are low tree density stands within the closed crown, North American bo...
Lichen woodlands (LWs) are persistent unproductive areas of the Canadian boreal forests whose affore...
The afforestation of widely distributed boreal open woodlands such as lichen woodlands (LWs) could p...
Lichen woodlands (LW) located in the closed-crown boreal forest are not a successional stage moving ...
Black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) is the dominant tree species in the Canadian province of...
Climate change is likely to affect the growth, development and regeneration of the black spruce stan...
Boreal lichen woodlands (LWs) are stable low tree-density zones of the Canadian boreal forest whose ...
It has been suggested that without sufficient soil disturbance, harvest in boreal forested peatlands...
We studied mature and adjacent open lichenâ spruce woodlands (LWs) and closed-canopy spruceâ feath...
The eastern spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.); SBW) has been present in spruce-fir fo...
In the boreal forest, long-lasting canopy gaps are associated with lichens on dry sites and with Sph...