Modelo experimental de imunossupressão com ciclofosfamida em Rattus norvegicus da linhagem wistar e primatas não humanos da especie Cebus apella: análise genotoxicológica

  • SOUZA, Patrícia Carvalho de
Publication date
December 2011
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Neurociências e Biologia Celular


We established a model of immunosuppression in rats by inoculation of the alkylating agent Cyclophosphamide (CY). The administration of 50 mg/kg CY in Wistar rats caused a significant decrease in the parameters of cellularity, and relative weight of lymphoid organs. For analysis of antibody titre of the test on the plaque forming cells and hemolysis test was proven that the humoral immunity of rodents suffered suppression. Four inoculations were carried out and this immunosuppressive intervals between inoculations was determined by recovery of normal levels of the aforementioned parameters. The change in differential counts of white blood cells represented the greatest adverse effect of CY, observed in laboratory parameters analyzed in Cebu...

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