This report was compiled at the Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory operated by Westinghouse Hanford Company, a subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric Corporation, for the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, under Contract No. AT (45-1) 2170. It describes technical progress made in the Interlaboratory LMFBR Reaction Rate Program during the reporting period. The Interlaboratory LMFBR Reaction Rate (ILRR) program has been established by USAEC/RDT to develop a capability to accurately measure neutron-induced reaction rates for LMFBR fuels and materials development programs. The initial goal for the principal fission reactions, {sup 235}U, {sup 238}U, and {sup 239}Pu, is an accuracy to wit...
Information related to sodium fires and fission products in LMFBR type reactors is presented concern...
The fast neutron spectrum of the Coupled Fast Reactivity Measurements Facility (CFRMF) at the Idaho ...
Integral capture-cross sections for separated isotopes of Eu and Ta are reported for measurements in...
The Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) was a 400-MWt, sodium-cooled, low-pressure, high-temperature, fas...
A summary is presented of results from the performance testing of two high temperature neutron fissi...
The significant safeguards concerns for liquid-metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBRs), and for the LMF...
In FY-76, Task 3 of Contract E(04-3)-893 consisted of the following programs: fuel rod chemistry and...
Task 3 of Contract AT(04-3)-893 consists of the following programs: a thermodynamic data program inv...
Information on the development of LMFBR in-core instrumentation and in- vessel surveillance systems ...
One of the objectives of the Dosimetry and Damage Analysis Center is to provide standardized dosimet...
In support of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has p...
Information is presented concerning benchmark calculations for reactivity coefficients; and neutroni...
Results are presented of neutronics analyses performed to determine fueling requirements and mass fl...
Experiments and experience relative to the safety of advanced fuel elements for the liquid metal fas...
The US Liquid Metal Reactor Development Program has been restructured to take advantage of the oppor...
Information related to sodium fires and fission products in LMFBR type reactors is presented concern...
The fast neutron spectrum of the Coupled Fast Reactivity Measurements Facility (CFRMF) at the Idaho ...
Integral capture-cross sections for separated isotopes of Eu and Ta are reported for measurements in...
The Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) was a 400-MWt, sodium-cooled, low-pressure, high-temperature, fas...
A summary is presented of results from the performance testing of two high temperature neutron fissi...
The significant safeguards concerns for liquid-metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBRs), and for the LMF...
In FY-76, Task 3 of Contract E(04-3)-893 consisted of the following programs: fuel rod chemistry and...
Task 3 of Contract AT(04-3)-893 consists of the following programs: a thermodynamic data program inv...
Information on the development of LMFBR in-core instrumentation and in- vessel surveillance systems ...
One of the objectives of the Dosimetry and Damage Analysis Center is to provide standardized dosimet...
In support of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has p...
Information is presented concerning benchmark calculations for reactivity coefficients; and neutroni...
Results are presented of neutronics analyses performed to determine fueling requirements and mass fl...
Experiments and experience relative to the safety of advanced fuel elements for the liquid metal fas...
The US Liquid Metal Reactor Development Program has been restructured to take advantage of the oppor...
Information related to sodium fires and fission products in LMFBR type reactors is presented concern...
The fast neutron spectrum of the Coupled Fast Reactivity Measurements Facility (CFRMF) at the Idaho ...
Integral capture-cross sections for separated isotopes of Eu and Ta are reported for measurements in...