We present a search for the decays B {yields} K* {nu}{bar {nu}} using 454 x 10{sup 6} B{bar B} pairs collected at the {Upsilon}(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II B-Factory. We first select an event sample where one B is reconstructed in a semileptonic or hadronic mode with one charmed meson. The remaining particles in the event are then examined to search for a B {yields} K* {nu}{bar {nu}} decay. The charged K* is reconstructed as K*{sup +} {yields} K{sub S}{sup 0}{pi}{sup +} or K*{sup +} {yields} K{sup +}{pi}{sup 0}; the neutral K* is identified in K*{sup 0} {yields} K{sup +}{pi}{sup -} mode. We establish upper limits at 90% confidence level of {Beta}(B{sup +} {yields} K*{sup +} {nu}{bar {nu}}) < 8 x 10{sup -5}, {...
We search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decays B->K(*)nu nubar, and the invisible decays J...
We present a search for the rare decays B+ -> K+ nu nubar and B0 -> K0 nu nubar using 459 million BB...
We present a search for the rare decays B+ -> K+ nu nubar and B0 -> K0 nu nubar using 459 million BB...
We present a search for the decays $B \to K^{*} \nu \bar{\nu}$ using 454$\times10^{6}$ $B \bar{B}$ p...
10 pages, 10 postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. DWe present a search for the decays $B \to ...
We present a search for the rare decays B{sup +} {yields} K{sup +}{nu}{bar {nu}} and B{sup 0} {yield...
We present a search for the decays B -> K-*nu(nu)overbar using 454x10(6)B(B)overbar pairs collected ...
We present a search for the decays B -> K(*)nu(nu)overbar using 454x10(6)B(B)overbar pairs collected...
We present a search for the decays B -> K(*)nu(nu)overbar using 454x10(6)B(B)overbar pairs collected...
We present an update of the search for the flavor-changing neutral current B{sup +} {yields} K{sup +...
The authors present a search for the decay B{sup +} {yields} {tau}{sup +}{nu} using 383 x 10{sup 6} ...
We search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decays B->K(*)nu nubar, and the invisible decays J...
We present a search for the rare decays B+ -> K+ nu nubar and B0 -> K0 nu nubar using 459 million BB...
We present a search for the rare decays B+ -> K+ nu nubar and B0 -> K0 nu nubar using 459 million BB...
We present a search for the decays $B \to K^{*} \nu \bar{\nu}$ using 454$\times10^{6}$ $B \bar{B}$ p...
10 pages, 10 postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. DWe present a search for the decays $B \to ...
We present a search for the rare decays B{sup +} {yields} K{sup +}{nu}{bar {nu}} and B{sup 0} {yield...
We present a search for the decays B -> K-*nu(nu)overbar using 454x10(6)B(B)overbar pairs collected ...
We present a search for the decays B -> K(*)nu(nu)overbar using 454x10(6)B(B)overbar pairs collected...
We present a search for the decays B -> K(*)nu(nu)overbar using 454x10(6)B(B)overbar pairs collected...
We present an update of the search for the flavor-changing neutral current B{sup +} {yields} K{sup +...
The authors present a search for the decay B{sup +} {yields} {tau}{sup +}{nu} using 383 x 10{sup 6} ...
We search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decays B->K(*)nu nubar, and the invisible decays J...
We present a search for the rare decays B+ -> K+ nu nubar and B0 -> K0 nu nubar using 459 million BB...
We present a search for the rare decays B+ -> K+ nu nubar and B0 -> K0 nu nubar using 459 million BB...