Circuit simulation tools (e.g., SPICE) have become invaluable in the development and design of electronic circuits in radiation environments. These codes are often employed to study the effect of many thousands of devices under transient current conditions. Device-scale simulation tools (e.g., MEDICI) are commonly used in the design of individual semiconductor components, but require computing resources that make their incorporation into a circuit code impossible for large-scale circuits. Analytic solutions to the ambipolar diffusion equation, an approximation to the carrier transport equations, may be used to characterize the transient currents at nodes within a circuit simulator. We present new transient 1D excess carrier density and phot...
This paper presents simulation results for the dc and transient characteristics of the n+-i-n+ photo...
A new modeling approach for the power p-i-n diode is proposed. The base region is represented with a...
This dissertation presents results pertaining to the mathematical modeling of semiconductor photocon...
Photocurrent generated by ionizing radiation represents a threat to microelectronics in radiation en...
To optimally design circuits for operation at high intensities of ionizing radiation, and to accurat...
Modeling the interaction of ionizing radiation, either light or ions, in integrated circuits is esse...
This paper presents the development and implementation of a physics-based diode model which can simu...
A new SPICE subcircuit model for power p-i-n diodes is proposed in this paper. The model is based on...
A numerical iterative method of solution of the one-dimensional basic two-carrier transport equation...
Firstly, the time-dependent diffusion of minority carriers occurring in picosecond−nanosecond window...
A theoretical model for the steady-state photoconductance of an abrupt p-n junction semiconductor di...
<p class="Style1">A theoretical study had been carried out on the effect of radiation on the electri...
A theoretical analysis solves for the steady-state photocurrents produced by a given photo-generatio...
A one-dimensional device simulator based on the hydrodynamic model is developed for the simulation a...
A new power diode model is developed and implemented as a PSPICE subcircuit. The starting point of t...
This paper presents simulation results for the dc and transient characteristics of the n+-i-n+ photo...
A new modeling approach for the power p-i-n diode is proposed. The base region is represented with a...
This dissertation presents results pertaining to the mathematical modeling of semiconductor photocon...
Photocurrent generated by ionizing radiation represents a threat to microelectronics in radiation en...
To optimally design circuits for operation at high intensities of ionizing radiation, and to accurat...
Modeling the interaction of ionizing radiation, either light or ions, in integrated circuits is esse...
This paper presents the development and implementation of a physics-based diode model which can simu...
A new SPICE subcircuit model for power p-i-n diodes is proposed in this paper. The model is based on...
A numerical iterative method of solution of the one-dimensional basic two-carrier transport equation...
Firstly, the time-dependent diffusion of minority carriers occurring in picosecond−nanosecond window...
A theoretical model for the steady-state photoconductance of an abrupt p-n junction semiconductor di...
<p class="Style1">A theoretical study had been carried out on the effect of radiation on the electri...
A theoretical analysis solves for the steady-state photocurrents produced by a given photo-generatio...
A one-dimensional device simulator based on the hydrodynamic model is developed for the simulation a...
A new power diode model is developed and implemented as a PSPICE subcircuit. The starting point of t...
This paper presents simulation results for the dc and transient characteristics of the n+-i-n+ photo...
A new modeling approach for the power p-i-n diode is proposed. The base region is represented with a...
This dissertation presents results pertaining to the mathematical modeling of semiconductor photocon...