Building America Best Practices Series Volume 11. Builders Challenge Guide to 40% Whole-House Energy Savings in the Marine Climate

  • Baechler, Michael C.
  • Gilbride, Theresa L.
  • Hefty, Marye G.
  • Cole, Pamala C.
  • Williamson, Jennifer L.
  • Love, Pat M.
Publication date
September 2010
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (U.S.)


This best practices guide is the eleventh in a series of guides for builders produced by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building America Program. This guide book is a resource to help builders design and construct homes that are among the most energy-efficient available, while addressing issues such as building durability, indoor air quality, and occupant health, safety, and comfort. With the measures described in this guide, builders in the marine climate (portions of Washington, Oregon, and California) can achieve homes that have whole house energy savings of 40% over the Building America benchmark (a home built to mid-1990s building practices roughly equivalent to the 1993 Model Energy Code) with no added overall costs for consumers. Th...

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