The CTEN assay system is designed to measure plutonium bearing 208-L waste drums and make the transuranic versus low-level waste determination. The system was certified for Waste Isolation Pilot Plant operations and the Environmental Protection Agency approved the CTEN in 2002. It is the only system capable of making the transuranic/low-level waste (TRU/LLW) determination since it can routinely assay below 100 nCi/g. The system conducts a measurement by using either (or both) an active 14 MeV neutron pulse to induce fission in 239Pu and 241Pu or measures the spontaneous fission properties of 238Pu, 240Pu and 242Pu. When the coincidence neutron signal is combined with mass fraction data from a gamma system, the result is the total plutonium ...