Beam stability up the ramp requires the appropriate sign and magnitude of the chromaticity. We developed a way to measure the chromaticity using the PLL (Phase Locked Loop) tune-meter. Since, the accuracy of the PLL tune-meter with properly adjusted loop gain is better than {approx} 0.0001 in tune units, the radial loop needs only be changed by a small amount of 0.2mm at a 1Hz rate. Thus, we can achieve fast chromaticity measurements in 1 sec. Except during the very beginning of the ramp where there are snapback effects and the gamma changes very rapidly, we can have good chromaticcity measurements along the ramp. This leads to the possibility of correcting the chromaticity during the ramp using a feedback system
Chromaticity measurements are usually done by changing the energy of the beam by a known amount and ...
Abstract In the classical head-tail chromaticity measurement technique, a single large kick is appli...
To study the low energy loss of LEIR at the beginning of the magnetic ramp in NOMINAL cycles, we mea...
Beam stability up the ramp requires the appropriate sign and magnitude of the chromaticity. We devel...
Tune and chromaticity control is an integral part of safe and reliable LHC operation. Tight toleranc...
Requirements for tune and chromaticity control in most superconducting hadron machines, and in parti...
Tune and chromaticity measurement is an integral part of safe and reliable LHC operation. Tight tole...
Chromaticity feedback during the ramp to high beam energies has been demonstrated in the Relativisti...
A phase-lock loop tune measurement system was commissioned during the RHIC2001 run. One meter long 5...
Preliminary phase-locked loop betatron tune measurement results were obtained during RHIC 2000 with ...
Tune feedback was first implemented in RHIC in 2002, as a specialist activity. The transition to ful...
The classical method for measuring chromaticity is to slowly modulate the RF frequency and then meas...
The betatron tune and its dependence on the momentum (chromaticity) are essentialquantities of circu...
The LEP Q-meter allows the excitation and observation of transverse beam oscillations. The instrumen...
Because of current redistribution on the superconducting cables, the harmonic components of the magn...
Chromaticity measurements are usually done by changing the energy of the beam by a known amount and ...
Abstract In the classical head-tail chromaticity measurement technique, a single large kick is appli...
To study the low energy loss of LEIR at the beginning of the magnetic ramp in NOMINAL cycles, we mea...
Beam stability up the ramp requires the appropriate sign and magnitude of the chromaticity. We devel...
Tune and chromaticity control is an integral part of safe and reliable LHC operation. Tight toleranc...
Requirements for tune and chromaticity control in most superconducting hadron machines, and in parti...
Tune and chromaticity measurement is an integral part of safe and reliable LHC operation. Tight tole...
Chromaticity feedback during the ramp to high beam energies has been demonstrated in the Relativisti...
A phase-lock loop tune measurement system was commissioned during the RHIC2001 run. One meter long 5...
Preliminary phase-locked loop betatron tune measurement results were obtained during RHIC 2000 with ...
Tune feedback was first implemented in RHIC in 2002, as a specialist activity. The transition to ful...
The classical method for measuring chromaticity is to slowly modulate the RF frequency and then meas...
The betatron tune and its dependence on the momentum (chromaticity) are essentialquantities of circu...
The LEP Q-meter allows the excitation and observation of transverse beam oscillations. The instrumen...
Because of current redistribution on the superconducting cables, the harmonic components of the magn...
Chromaticity measurements are usually done by changing the energy of the beam by a known amount and ...
Abstract In the classical head-tail chromaticity measurement technique, a single large kick is appli...
To study the low energy loss of LEIR at the beginning of the magnetic ramp in NOMINAL cycles, we mea...