A Free Electron Laser (FEL) called the IR Demo is operational as a user facility at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia, USA. It utilizes a 48 MeV superconducting accelerator that not only accelerates the beam but also recovers about 80% of the electron-beam power that remains after the FEL interaction. Utilizing this recirculation loop the machine has recovered cw average currents up to 5 mA, and has lased cw above 2 kW output at 3.1 microns. It is capable of output in the 1 to 6 micron range and can produce {approx}0.7 ps pulses in a continuous train at {approx}75 MHz. This pulse length has been shown to be nearly optimal for deposition of energy in materials at the surface. Upgrades under construction...