The production of integrated circuits (IC's) involves a number of discrete steps which utilize hazardous or regulated solvents and generate large waste streams. ES&H considerations associated with these chemicals have prompted a search for alternative, more environmentally benign solvent systems. An emerging technology for conventional solvent replacement is the use of supercritical fluids based on carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}). Research work, conducted at Los Alamos in conjunction with the Hewlett-Packard Company, has lead to the development of a CO{sub 2}-based supercritical fluid treatment system for the stripping of hard-baked photoresists. This treatment system, known as Supercritical CO{sub 2} Resist Remover, or CORR, uses a two-comp...
A new type of high-dose ion-implanted photoresist (HDI PR) stripping method was reported based on su...
We have demonstrated that supercritical carbon dioxide extraction can be used for solvent removal to...
As semiconductor devices continue to shrink and become faster, new materials and processes will be r...
The production of integrated circuits (IC) involves a number of discrete steps which utilize hazardo...
The production of integrated circuits involves a number of discrete steps that utilize hazardous or ...
The Los Alamos National Laboratory, on behalf of the Hewlett-Packard Company, is conducting tests of...
The U.S. Department of Energy`s (DOE) Industrial Waste Program (IWP) has been sponsoring the researc...
Part of the Hewlett Packard Components Group`s Product Stewardship program is the ongoing effort to ...
This chapter describes one area of applications where supercritical CO2 (scCO2) is effectively used ...
Supercritical fluids are particularly attractive as extracting agents because the solvent power can ...
Physiochemical properties of supercritical carbon dioxide make it ideally suited for removing com-mo...
Supercritical fluids (SCF) are substances above their critical pressure and temperature. Once above ...
The use of carbon dioxide in its various states: supercritical (SC-$02). liquid @-CQ2) or pellet for...
A number of important processes utilizing supercritical fluids have been either implemented or are e...
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most common candidates of Supercritical Fluids (SCFs). It has a n...
A new type of high-dose ion-implanted photoresist (HDI PR) stripping method was reported based on su...
We have demonstrated that supercritical carbon dioxide extraction can be used for solvent removal to...
As semiconductor devices continue to shrink and become faster, new materials and processes will be r...
The production of integrated circuits (IC) involves a number of discrete steps which utilize hazardo...
The production of integrated circuits involves a number of discrete steps that utilize hazardous or ...
The Los Alamos National Laboratory, on behalf of the Hewlett-Packard Company, is conducting tests of...
The U.S. Department of Energy`s (DOE) Industrial Waste Program (IWP) has been sponsoring the researc...
Part of the Hewlett Packard Components Group`s Product Stewardship program is the ongoing effort to ...
This chapter describes one area of applications where supercritical CO2 (scCO2) is effectively used ...
Supercritical fluids are particularly attractive as extracting agents because the solvent power can ...
Physiochemical properties of supercritical carbon dioxide make it ideally suited for removing com-mo...
Supercritical fluids (SCF) are substances above their critical pressure and temperature. Once above ...
The use of carbon dioxide in its various states: supercritical (SC-$02). liquid @-CQ2) or pellet for...
A number of important processes utilizing supercritical fluids have been either implemented or are e...
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most common candidates of Supercritical Fluids (SCFs). It has a n...
A new type of high-dose ion-implanted photoresist (HDI PR) stripping method was reported based on su...
We have demonstrated that supercritical carbon dioxide extraction can be used for solvent removal to...
As semiconductor devices continue to shrink and become faster, new materials and processes will be r...