HGSYSTEM/UF{sub 6} model enhancements for plume rise and dispersion around buildings, lift-off of buoyant plumes, and robustness of numerical solver

  • Hanna, S.R.
  • Chang, J.C.
Publication date
January 1997
Earth Tech., Concord, MA (United States)


The HGSYSTEM/UF{sub 6} model was developed for use in preparing Safety Analysis Reports (SARs) by estimating the consequences of possible accidental releases of UF{sub 6} to the atmosphere at the gaseous diffusion plants (GDPs) located in Portsmouth, Ohio, and Paducah, Kentucky. Although the latter report carries a 1996 date, the work that is described was completed in late 1994. When that report was written, the primary release scenarios of interest were thought to be gas pipeline and liquid tank ruptures over open terrain away from the influence of buildings. However, upon further analysis of possible release scenarios, the developers of the SARs decided it was necessary to also consider accidental releases within buildings. Consequently,...

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