Financial Condition of Federal Buildings Owned by the General Services Administration

  • United States. General Accounting Office.
Publication date
August 2002
United States. General Accounting Office.


Correspondence issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The General Services Administration (GSA) manages over 1,700 federally owned buildings with $5.7 billion in identified repair and alteration needs. GAO was asked to review the situation, but at the time the review started, the Public Building Service (PBS) also began a review, and, consequently, GAO reviewed the PBS review. PBS described the building inventory as predominantly aged with reinvestment needs that far exceed the capabilities of the Federal Buildings Fund--a revolving fund administered by the GSA. PBS analyzed 1,375 of GSA's 1,745 federally owned buildings. Each was placed into one of four categories. Buildings termed "nonperforming" do not gene...

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