Office of Justice Programs: Problems with Grant Monitoring and Concerns about Evaluation Studies

  • United States. General Accounting Office.
Publication date
March 2002
United States. General Accounting Office.


Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) provides grants to state and local governments, universities, and private foundations to help prevent and control crime, administer justice, and assist crime victims. OJP bureaus and program offices award both formula and discretionary grants. The monitoring of grant activities is a key management tool to ensure that funds awarded to grantees are being properly spent. In recent years, GAO and others, including OJP, have identified various grant monitoring problems among OJP's bureaus and offices. OJP has begun to work with its bureaus and offices to address these problems, but it is too early to tell whether its efforts will ...

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