The Highsmith Men is a general historical narrative of four prominent men who happened to be Texas Rangers. The story begins in Texas in 1830 and traces the lives of Samuel Highsmith, his nephew, Benjamin Franklin Highsmith, and Samuels's sons, Malcijah and Henry Albert Highsmith, who was the last of the four to pass away, in 1930. During this century the four Highsmiths participated in nearly every landmark event significant to the history of Texas. The Highsmith men also participated in numerous other engagements as well. Within this framework the intent of The Highsmith Men is to scrutinize the contemporary scholarly conceptions of the early Texas Rangers as an institution by following the lives of these four men, who can largely be cons...
The Texas of John Salmon Ford\u27s day demanded men of courage and versatility. Ford was such a man....
This third volume of the Savage Frontier series focuses on the evolution of the Texas Rangers and fr...
Many well-read students, historians, and loyal aficionados of Texas Ranger lore know the name of Tex...
Tracking the Texas Rangers is an anthology of sixteen previously published articles, arranged in chr...
Established in Waco in 1968, the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum honors the iconic Texas Ranger...
In 1874, the Texas legislature created the Frontier Battalion, the first formal, budgeted organizati...
The subject of this manuscript is the Texas Rangers “clean-up” of San Augustine, which was undertake...
This first volume of the Savage Frontier series is a comprehensive account of the formative years of...
Authors Bob Alexander and Donaly E. Brice grappled with several issues when deciding how to relate a...
38 pages (50 pdf pages) : illustrations ; 24 cm.The last fight on Texas soil between the Apaches and...
This fourth and final volume of the Savage Frontier series completes the history of the Texas Ranger...
They Called Them Soldier Boys offers an in-depth study of soldiers of the Texas National Guard’s Sev...
Purpose: The Purpose of this study was to establish an understanding of the relationship between the...
The idea of Texas was forged in the crucible of frontier warfare between 1822 and 1865, when Anglo-A...
Ira Aten (1862-1953) was the epitome of a frontier lawman. At age twenty he enrolled in Company D du...
The Texas of John Salmon Ford\u27s day demanded men of courage and versatility. Ford was such a man....
This third volume of the Savage Frontier series focuses on the evolution of the Texas Rangers and fr...
Many well-read students, historians, and loyal aficionados of Texas Ranger lore know the name of Tex...
Tracking the Texas Rangers is an anthology of sixteen previously published articles, arranged in chr...
Established in Waco in 1968, the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum honors the iconic Texas Ranger...
In 1874, the Texas legislature created the Frontier Battalion, the first formal, budgeted organizati...
The subject of this manuscript is the Texas Rangers “clean-up” of San Augustine, which was undertake...
This first volume of the Savage Frontier series is a comprehensive account of the formative years of...
Authors Bob Alexander and Donaly E. Brice grappled with several issues when deciding how to relate a...
38 pages (50 pdf pages) : illustrations ; 24 cm.The last fight on Texas soil between the Apaches and...
This fourth and final volume of the Savage Frontier series completes the history of the Texas Ranger...
They Called Them Soldier Boys offers an in-depth study of soldiers of the Texas National Guard’s Sev...
Purpose: The Purpose of this study was to establish an understanding of the relationship between the...
The idea of Texas was forged in the crucible of frontier warfare between 1822 and 1865, when Anglo-A...
Ira Aten (1862-1953) was the epitome of a frontier lawman. At age twenty he enrolled in Company D du...
The Texas of John Salmon Ford\u27s day demanded men of courage and versatility. Ford was such a man....
This third volume of the Savage Frontier series focuses on the evolution of the Texas Rangers and fr...
Many well-read students, historians, and loyal aficionados of Texas Ranger lore know the name of Tex...