If R is a list of positive integers with greatest common denominator equal to 1, calculating the Frobenius number of R is in general NP-hard. Dino Lorenzini defines the arithmetical graph, which naturally arises in arithmetic geometry, and a notion of genus, the g-number, that in specific cases coincides with the Frobenius number of R. A result of Dino Lorenzini\u27s gives a method for quickly calculating upper bounds for the g-number of arithmetical graphs. We discuss the arithmetic geometry related to arithmetical graphs and present an example of an arithmetical graph that arises in this context. We also discuss the construction for Lorenzini\u27s Riemann-Roch structure and how it relates to the Riemann-Roch theorem for finite graphs show...
In 1936, Erdős–Turán conjectured that any set of integers with positive upper density contains arbit...
Let G be a finite, connected graph. An arithmetical structure on G is a pair of positive integer vec...
This book focuses on some of the main notions arising in graph theory, with an emphasis throughout o...
We investigate in this article possible generalizations of the Riemann-Roch theorem for graphs of Ba...
This thesis consists of two independent parts. In the rst part of the thesis, we develop a Riemann-R...
This thesis consists of two independent parts. In the rst part of the thesis, we develop a Riemann-R...
The classical Frobenius problem over ${mathbb N}$ is to compute the largest integer $g$ not repre...
Abstract. Let N ≥ 2 and let 1 \u3c a(1) \u3c ... \u3c a(N) be relatively prime integers. The Frobeni...
An arithmetical structure on a graph is given by a labeling of the vertices that satisfies certain d...
AbstractGiven a primitive positive integer vector a, the Frobenius number F(a) is the largest intege...
Böcker S, Lipták Z. The Money Changing Problem revisited: Computing the Frobenius number in time O(k...
Let G be a finite, connected graph. An arithmetical structure on G is a pair of positive integer vec...
For the well known Frobenius problem, we present a new geometric approach, based on the use of the n...
We introduce and review the Frobenius Problem, determining the greatest integer not expressible as a...
We extend the famous diophantine Frobenius problem to a ring of polynomials over a field~k. Similar ...
In 1936, Erdős–Turán conjectured that any set of integers with positive upper density contains arbit...
Let G be a finite, connected graph. An arithmetical structure on G is a pair of positive integer vec...
This book focuses on some of the main notions arising in graph theory, with an emphasis throughout o...
We investigate in this article possible generalizations of the Riemann-Roch theorem for graphs of Ba...
This thesis consists of two independent parts. In the rst part of the thesis, we develop a Riemann-R...
This thesis consists of two independent parts. In the rst part of the thesis, we develop a Riemann-R...
The classical Frobenius problem over ${mathbb N}$ is to compute the largest integer $g$ not repre...
Abstract. Let N ≥ 2 and let 1 \u3c a(1) \u3c ... \u3c a(N) be relatively prime integers. The Frobeni...
An arithmetical structure on a graph is given by a labeling of the vertices that satisfies certain d...
AbstractGiven a primitive positive integer vector a, the Frobenius number F(a) is the largest intege...
Böcker S, Lipták Z. The Money Changing Problem revisited: Computing the Frobenius number in time O(k...
Let G be a finite, connected graph. An arithmetical structure on G is a pair of positive integer vec...
For the well known Frobenius problem, we present a new geometric approach, based on the use of the n...
We introduce and review the Frobenius Problem, determining the greatest integer not expressible as a...
We extend the famous diophantine Frobenius problem to a ring of polynomials over a field~k. Similar ...
In 1936, Erdős–Turán conjectured that any set of integers with positive upper density contains arbit...
Let G be a finite, connected graph. An arithmetical structure on G is a pair of positive integer vec...
This book focuses on some of the main notions arising in graph theory, with an emphasis throughout o...