1. In the present paper, certain resultant data of the laboratory experiments on evaluation of the fungicidal action of the certain commercial fungicides recently recommended for controlling the rice diseases in Japan against rice blast fungus are reported. 2. Fungitoxicity of the fungicides hitheto tested under the experimental condi-tion for controlling the rice blast fungus, is considered possibly due to the different-ces of durability and vapor action of them on the foliage. 3. It was proved in vitro that the organomercurials were distinctly efficacious than nonorganomercurials. 4. So far as the experimeits in vitro and in vivo were concerned, Mergon and Mei-ko-nung seemed could be determined as the practical fungicides. The efficacy of...
This research took place at the Provincial Plant Sanitation Laboratory, in Camaguey, Cuba, between S...
Rice is a staple food source for more than three billion people worldwide. However, rice is vulnerab...
Maize is a socioeconomically important crop in many countries. Recently, a high incidence of stalk r...
本試驗為重新測定Riogen片劑與Granosan M水和劑等現行推廣之有機汞劑之稻種消毒藥效而舉行。試驗分為穀粒法與綿線法。供試濃度為惟廣使用濃度。茲簡述本次試驗結果如下: (一) 穀粒法試驗中,病...
本試驗係欲明瞭,供試抗生素藥劑在本省環境下(亞熱帶)對稻熱病之防治效果及藥害之程度而舉行,其所得結果簡述如下: 1.本試驗行人工接種病原菌,使稻熱病發生並非自然發生者。 2.供試稻種為臺中65號(Ja...
本試驗係為尋求系統性殺菌劑,以解決防治稻紋枯病藥劑操作上之困難,所得結果簡述如下: 在室內測定幾種藥劑之預防及治療效果,結果以Benlate水和劑每盆400倍液灌注20ml區(每公頃13.2公斤)及1...
Sheath blight disease incited by Pellicularia sasakii on rice plants is of the second importance to ...
著者等為明瞭各種化學元素,對植物病原菌發育之影響而舉辦本試驗,並希望本資料能供抗病原理研究之參考;另一方面祈能成為新殺菌藥劑發現上之基木資料。又本試臉採用Cd、Co、Cu、Zn、Mn 等五種金屬之硫酸...
有機汞劑因殘留毒性問題,自全面停止使用後,急需探求非有機汞劑之稻種消毒效果,以代替有機汞劑,乃舉辦本試驗。所得結果簡述如下: 非有機汞劑供試者為Fdcidin,Benlate,Thiophamme,及...
記念特集I[Author abstract]Resistance to blast disease of rice plants grown under the crop production pra...
岡山県山陽町で2か所,および玉野市八浜町岡山大学附属農場において,イネ穂枯れによる変色籾を採集し,それらから分離される病原菌をしらべ,変色籾に対する各種殺菌剤の消毒効果を評価した. 八浜の変色籾からは...
v. 42, n. 1, p. 77-81, jan./mar. 2012.A brusone em arroz de terras altas causa danos significativos,...
本研究係探討水稻秧田時期Benlate水和劑對稻熱病及稻紋枯病防治作用之效果。且將所得結果簡述如下: Benlate水和劑施於土壤中育苗時,可預防稻熱病之發生,其使用濃度為乾燥土壤1公斤中加Benla...
Aims: The ever-revolving fungi strains and environmental and health concerns due to current practice...
This research took place at the Provincial Plant Sanitation Laboratory, in Camaguey, Cuba, between S...
Rice is a staple food source for more than three billion people worldwide. However, rice is vulnerab...
Maize is a socioeconomically important crop in many countries. Recently, a high incidence of stalk r...
本試驗為重新測定Riogen片劑與Granosan M水和劑等現行推廣之有機汞劑之稻種消毒藥效而舉行。試驗分為穀粒法與綿線法。供試濃度為惟廣使用濃度。茲簡述本次試驗結果如下: (一) 穀粒法試驗中,病...
本試驗係欲明瞭,供試抗生素藥劑在本省環境下(亞熱帶)對稻熱病之防治效果及藥害之程度而舉行,其所得結果簡述如下: 1.本試驗行人工接種病原菌,使稻熱病發生並非自然發生者。 2.供試稻種為臺中65號(Ja...
本試驗係為尋求系統性殺菌劑,以解決防治稻紋枯病藥劑操作上之困難,所得結果簡述如下: 在室內測定幾種藥劑之預防及治療效果,結果以Benlate水和劑每盆400倍液灌注20ml區(每公頃13.2公斤)及1...
Sheath blight disease incited by Pellicularia sasakii on rice plants is of the second importance to ...
著者等為明瞭各種化學元素,對植物病原菌發育之影響而舉辦本試驗,並希望本資料能供抗病原理研究之參考;另一方面祈能成為新殺菌藥劑發現上之基木資料。又本試臉採用Cd、Co、Cu、Zn、Mn 等五種金屬之硫酸...
有機汞劑因殘留毒性問題,自全面停止使用後,急需探求非有機汞劑之稻種消毒效果,以代替有機汞劑,乃舉辦本試驗。所得結果簡述如下: 非有機汞劑供試者為Fdcidin,Benlate,Thiophamme,及...
記念特集I[Author abstract]Resistance to blast disease of rice plants grown under the crop production pra...
岡山県山陽町で2か所,および玉野市八浜町岡山大学附属農場において,イネ穂枯れによる変色籾を採集し,それらから分離される病原菌をしらべ,変色籾に対する各種殺菌剤の消毒効果を評価した. 八浜の変色籾からは...
v. 42, n. 1, p. 77-81, jan./mar. 2012.A brusone em arroz de terras altas causa danos significativos,...
本研究係探討水稻秧田時期Benlate水和劑對稻熱病及稻紋枯病防治作用之效果。且將所得結果簡述如下: Benlate水和劑施於土壤中育苗時,可預防稻熱病之發生,其使用濃度為乾燥土壤1公斤中加Benla...
Aims: The ever-revolving fungi strains and environmental and health concerns due to current practice...
This research took place at the Provincial Plant Sanitation Laboratory, in Camaguey, Cuba, between S...
Rice is a staple food source for more than three billion people worldwide. However, rice is vulnerab...
Maize is a socioeconomically important crop in many countries. Recently, a high incidence of stalk r...