本試驗內容為蘆筍莖枯病病菌之生理性質及藥劑防治,其結果如次。 1. 本菌菌絲之發育,最適溫度為25℃至 23℃,最適酸度為 PH6至8,食鹽濃度以0.3至3%較好,蔗糖濃度以8%者較好。 2. 培養基中及蘆筍病莖組織中之菌絲,在低溫(-5℃)環境下,經150天尚有生活力,而以病莖組織潛伏之菌絲較強。 3. 供試Takeda-mer, Duter, Suju, polyram-combi, Brestan 60, Ditbane M45, Antracol, Difolatan。等8種藥劑,其濃度500 ppm 者皆對本菌菌絲生長及胞子發芽有抑制作用,而對缽栽蘆筍病株之防治效果,以Difolatan最好,Duter及Suju次之,Takeda-mer, Dithane M45,及Polyramcombi又次之。 The physiological characteristics and chemical control of Phoma asparagi were studied. The results have been summarized as follows: 1. For the mycelial growth, the optimum temperature was 25℃ to 28℃, the optimum pH range was 6 to 8, the optimum NaCl concentration was 0.3 to 3%, and the optimum sucrose concentration was 8%. 2. The mycelia formed on the agar media and on the stems of aspa...
I have for several years been wanting a good Monocotyledon for histological study in the botanical l...
During cultivation of asparagus plants growth can be inhibited and yield can be reduced by plant-par...
Asparagus samples were examined from growing areas of Germany and selected European as well as North...
1. 供試殺菌劑 Suzu tablet, Dithane M-22, Difolatan, Tenhide等均對莖枯病菌柄胞子發芽之毒效甚佳。 2. 對莖枯病病原菌菌絲之殺滅效果,供試殺菌劑中以Su...
美麗華盛頓為莖枯病感受性品種, 加州500 次之, UC72 更次之, 而以UC66之感受性最低。美麗華盛頓之莖枯病8月間罹病度90.4%發病最厲, 9 月間80.4%次之,而冬季12月至3月間之發病...
1.為明暸綠蘆筍發生之病害及有效防治藥劑,特進行此項調查及試驗工作。 2.綠蘆筍病害以莖枯病為最嚴重,其次是褐斑病,間有萎凋病發生。 3.莖枯病的發病率在80%以上,被害程度在2.50以上,以每年七、...
Stem blight caused by Phomopsis asparagi leads to considerable damage to asparagus production in Jap...
含有2 mg/1 NAA (Naphthalene acetic acid), l mg/1 BA (N6-Benzyladenine), 6% sucrose及將無機鹽類減半(Na-Fe-EDTA除...
含有0.1~0.5 mg / l Naphthaleneacetic acid ( NAA ) , 0.1~0.5 mg / 1 urfurylaminopurine(Kinetin)及2.5% Su...
1.木瓜炭疽病為木瓜果實最重要之病害,影響品質,外觀甚巨。 2.本病為潛伏感染,當果實未成熟時,病原菌已經潛伏,但並不顯出病徵,直至果實成熟時,才顯出水浸狀,圓形向下凹之病斑,病斑表面產生粉紅色同心輪...
Anthracnose caused by pea Ascocgyta pisi is one of the most serious diseases affecting crops of peas...
Vaistinis smidras (Asparagus officinalis L.) – daugiametė, skani, maistinga ir vitamininga daržovė, ...
Ascochyta blight may be caused by the fungal pathogens Peyronellaea pinodes, Ascochyta pisi, Phoma m...
The quantity and quality of spears from asparagus plants infected with Asparagus virus 2 was lower i...
Vaisinių smidrų introdukuotų veislių biologinių ir ūkinių savybių įvertinimo tyrimai atlikti 2006 m....
I have for several years been wanting a good Monocotyledon for histological study in the botanical l...
During cultivation of asparagus plants growth can be inhibited and yield can be reduced by plant-par...
Asparagus samples were examined from growing areas of Germany and selected European as well as North...
1. 供試殺菌劑 Suzu tablet, Dithane M-22, Difolatan, Tenhide等均對莖枯病菌柄胞子發芽之毒效甚佳。 2. 對莖枯病病原菌菌絲之殺滅效果,供試殺菌劑中以Su...
美麗華盛頓為莖枯病感受性品種, 加州500 次之, UC72 更次之, 而以UC66之感受性最低。美麗華盛頓之莖枯病8月間罹病度90.4%發病最厲, 9 月間80.4%次之,而冬季12月至3月間之發病...
1.為明暸綠蘆筍發生之病害及有效防治藥劑,特進行此項調查及試驗工作。 2.綠蘆筍病害以莖枯病為最嚴重,其次是褐斑病,間有萎凋病發生。 3.莖枯病的發病率在80%以上,被害程度在2.50以上,以每年七、...
Stem blight caused by Phomopsis asparagi leads to considerable damage to asparagus production in Jap...
含有2 mg/1 NAA (Naphthalene acetic acid), l mg/1 BA (N6-Benzyladenine), 6% sucrose及將無機鹽類減半(Na-Fe-EDTA除...
含有0.1~0.5 mg / l Naphthaleneacetic acid ( NAA ) , 0.1~0.5 mg / 1 urfurylaminopurine(Kinetin)及2.5% Su...
1.木瓜炭疽病為木瓜果實最重要之病害,影響品質,外觀甚巨。 2.本病為潛伏感染,當果實未成熟時,病原菌已經潛伏,但並不顯出病徵,直至果實成熟時,才顯出水浸狀,圓形向下凹之病斑,病斑表面產生粉紅色同心輪...
Anthracnose caused by pea Ascocgyta pisi is one of the most serious diseases affecting crops of peas...
Vaistinis smidras (Asparagus officinalis L.) – daugiametė, skani, maistinga ir vitamininga daržovė, ...
Ascochyta blight may be caused by the fungal pathogens Peyronellaea pinodes, Ascochyta pisi, Phoma m...
The quantity and quality of spears from asparagus plants infected with Asparagus virus 2 was lower i...
Vaisinių smidrų introdukuotų veislių biologinių ir ūkinių savybių įvertinimo tyrimai atlikti 2006 m....
I have for several years been wanting a good Monocotyledon for histological study in the botanical l...
During cultivation of asparagus plants growth can be inhibited and yield can be reduced by plant-par...
Asparagus samples were examined from growing areas of Germany and selected European as well as North...