Coba (Zizania latifolia Turcz.) cv. Green Shell flowers continuously from early May to mid-November in southern Taiwan. It is monoecious, which male and female flowers occur on the same inflorescence. Each inflorescence consists of many spikelets and forms a large panicle. Most of male flowers distributed at the lower portion of spikelets in the inflorescence, while the female flowers distributed oppositively. The length of inflorescence, inflorescence node, and lateral inflorescence; no. of lateral inflorescences, total flowers, deformed flowers, male flowers vary with the flowering month. The length of flower inflorescence, inflorescence node and lateral inflorescence do not vary from May to September, but decrease after October. The no. ...
蕙蘭屬(Cymbidium spp.)為臺灣蘭花產業上六大作物之一,在2014年的出口值為940萬美元,佔臺灣外銷蘭花的第三位,其中以四季蘭[Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) SW....
The young flower buds in three male sterile mutants derived from cv.First were treated with gibberel...
フラッシュを開始する前の2月20日, 3月2,12,22日の各日に, アカマツの1年生苗を最低温度を18℃に調整したガラス室へ搬入し, 5月21日に再び野外へ戻した。その後, これらの苗の頂端に形成さ...
Treatment of Spathiphyllum patinii, cv. Merry, six months after planting their mericlone plantlets t...
切花の輸送や貯蔵を考える場合の基礎資料を得る目的で,キクおよびカーネーション切花について,しおれの回復限界および回復後の状態について調査を行なった. その結果,しおれの回復限界は採花後の期間でみると一...
This paper studied the species diversity of flower crops used in compiling fitokompozitsy. The aim o...
The effects of ethephon on the sex expression of flowers,and subsequent fruit quality of 'Honey Dew'...
Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) continuously produce leaves during spring and summer, and continue to ...
若尔盖高原的马先蒿属植物花部形态多样化,为探讨花冠差异是否与不同的繁殖对策相联系,在该区四川红原县分别对短管无喙的多齿马先蒿(Pedicularis polyodonta)和长管具喙的刺齿马先蒿(P....
植物花部特征进化与传粉适应性一直是进化生态学领域关注的核心问题之一.以古尔班通古特沙漠自然生长的准噶尔无叶豆为对象,对其花部特征和传粉特性进行了野外观察和室内的分析研究.结果表明:种群花期历时21 d...
The principles of selection of annual and perennial plants for creation of flower beds of continuous...
蕙蘭屬(Cymbidium spp.)為臺灣蘭花產業上六大作物之一,在2014年的出口值為940萬美元,佔臺灣外銷蘭花的第三位,其中以四季蘭[Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) SW....
The young flower buds in three male sterile mutants derived from cv.First were treated with gibberel...
フラッシュを開始する前の2月20日, 3月2,12,22日の各日に, アカマツの1年生苗を最低温度を18℃に調整したガラス室へ搬入し, 5月21日に再び野外へ戻した。その後, これらの苗の頂端に形成さ...
Treatment of Spathiphyllum patinii, cv. Merry, six months after planting their mericlone plantlets t...
切花の輸送や貯蔵を考える場合の基礎資料を得る目的で,キクおよびカーネーション切花について,しおれの回復限界および回復後の状態について調査を行なった. その結果,しおれの回復限界は採花後の期間でみると一...
This paper studied the species diversity of flower crops used in compiling fitokompozitsy. The aim o...
The effects of ethephon on the sex expression of flowers,and subsequent fruit quality of 'Honey Dew'...
Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) continuously produce leaves during spring and summer, and continue to ...
若尔盖高原的马先蒿属植物花部形态多样化,为探讨花冠差异是否与不同的繁殖对策相联系,在该区四川红原县分别对短管无喙的多齿马先蒿(Pedicularis polyodonta)和长管具喙的刺齿马先蒿(P....
植物花部特征进化与传粉适应性一直是进化生态学领域关注的核心问题之一.以古尔班通古特沙漠自然生长的准噶尔无叶豆为对象,对其花部特征和传粉特性进行了野外观察和室内的分析研究.结果表明:种群花期历时21 d...
The principles of selection of annual and perennial plants for creation of flower beds of continuous...
蕙蘭屬(Cymbidium spp.)為臺灣蘭花產業上六大作物之一,在2014年的出口值為940萬美元,佔臺灣外銷蘭花的第三位,其中以四季蘭[Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) SW....
The young flower buds in three male sterile mutants derived from cv.First were treated with gibberel...