桃樹生產需累積足夠的低溫以打破樹體休眠,方能確保栽培成功,亦即桃基因遺傳的需冷量 (chilling requirement) 必需與產地的低溫累積量 (chilling accumulation) 相吻合。本試驗目的在於探討桃栽培種需冷量多寡與臺灣中部地區種植高度間的關係,據多年的經驗累積與二年的試驗調查結果顯示:低需冷桃樹(150 CU)在低海拔地區(農試所,海拔85公尺)種植,生長適應良好;另一方面高需冷桃樹(850小時)在高山環境下(武陵農場,海拔1950公尺)生育表現良好。由此可見海拔高度每提升2.7公尺,可累積1低溫單位,此一關係可用來評估台灣山區的低溫累積量。For successful production of peaches, the tree requires the accumulation of sufficient chilling temperatures to break dormancy. Thus the chilling requirement (CR) of the peach genotype needs to be matched with the chilling accumulated for the production area. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between cultivar’s chilling requirement and planting altitude for the central area of Taiwan. Years of experience and 2 years of experimen...
Peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit is a delicious summer treat appreciated for its sweet, juic...
臺灣原生山櫻花分布於全島500~2000 公尺的闊葉林,其低溫需求量的評估是比較霧峰地區1996年至2001年六年來四個「桃樹關鍵栽培種」(‘Flordared’、‘Premier’、‘TropicS...
The phenology of two local peach genotypes was studied to verify whether peaches can be produced in ...
本地種桃樹與新選雜交後代低溫需求量的評估方法,是比較「關鍵」栽培種(key cultivars)與待評估品種間的花期早晚。由此法得知本地種‘鶯歌桃’低溫需求量為125個低溫單位(chill unit,...
The objective of this work was to estimate the chilling requirement of ten peach cultivars using sev...
估算本省霧峰地區11個低需冷量桃栽培種果實發育的熱量時間 (degree days,℃d,以10℃為基本溫度,從盛花期至第一次商業性採收的積溫)與果實發育日數(FDP)。結果顯示:桃的成熟時間是依開花...
Chilling and heat requirements for breaking dormancy and flowering were studied in 63 nectarine and1...
The adaptation of temperate fruit crops is a challenge being increased by the global warming. Chilli...
Bud Dormancy in deciduous fruit trees of the temperate zones is a phase ofdevelopment that occurs an...
Warmer winters without sufficient chilling due to climate change in Mediterranean regions represent ...
The major factor limiting the cultivation of peach is minimal temperature in the winter and spring f...
A necessidade de frio de seis cultivares de pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] foi estudada em...
Altres ajuts: Generalitat de Catalunya/CERCA programmeBlooming in temperate fruit species is trigger...
6 Pags.- 4 Cuadrs.[ES] Se estudian las necesidades de frío invernal y la susceptibilidad a la caída ...
Peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit is a delicious summer treat appreciated for its sweet, juic...
臺灣原生山櫻花分布於全島500~2000 公尺的闊葉林,其低溫需求量的評估是比較霧峰地區1996年至2001年六年來四個「桃樹關鍵栽培種」(‘Flordared’、‘Premier’、‘TropicS...
The phenology of two local peach genotypes was studied to verify whether peaches can be produced in ...
本地種桃樹與新選雜交後代低溫需求量的評估方法,是比較「關鍵」栽培種(key cultivars)與待評估品種間的花期早晚。由此法得知本地種‘鶯歌桃’低溫需求量為125個低溫單位(chill unit,...
The objective of this work was to estimate the chilling requirement of ten peach cultivars using sev...
估算本省霧峰地區11個低需冷量桃栽培種果實發育的熱量時間 (degree days,℃d,以10℃為基本溫度,從盛花期至第一次商業性採收的積溫)與果實發育日數(FDP)。結果顯示:桃的成熟時間是依開花...
Chilling and heat requirements for breaking dormancy and flowering were studied in 63 nectarine and1...
The adaptation of temperate fruit crops is a challenge being increased by the global warming. Chilli...
Bud Dormancy in deciduous fruit trees of the temperate zones is a phase ofdevelopment that occurs an...
Warmer winters without sufficient chilling due to climate change in Mediterranean regions represent ...
The major factor limiting the cultivation of peach is minimal temperature in the winter and spring f...
A necessidade de frio de seis cultivares de pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] foi estudada em...
Altres ajuts: Generalitat de Catalunya/CERCA programmeBlooming in temperate fruit species is trigger...
6 Pags.- 4 Cuadrs.[ES] Se estudian las necesidades de frío invernal y la susceptibilidad a la caída ...
Peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit is a delicious summer treat appreciated for its sweet, juic...
臺灣原生山櫻花分布於全島500~2000 公尺的闊葉林,其低溫需求量的評估是比較霧峰地區1996年至2001年六年來四個「桃樹關鍵栽培種」(‘Flordared’、‘Premier’、‘TropicS...
The phenology of two local peach genotypes was studied to verify whether peaches can be produced in ...