[[abstract]]本研究旨在從人機介面設計的角度,探討中文之字距、列距、大小對國小學童學習情意的影響。本研究採用實驗研究法,以隨機方式抽取花蓮地區兩所國小四年級學童為測試對象,進行線上施測。電腦以隨機方式出現一篇短文顯示給學童看,這篇短文以二種字距(分別是文字大小的半倍與一倍)、二種列距(分別是文字大小的半倍與一倍)、三種大小(分別是倚天中文16×15,24×24,48×48)等十二種組合,來讓學童選擇其喜愛的程度。為了考驗實驗的效度,本研究採用重複測試之設計(repeated measure design)。實驗結果顯示學童最喜愛的大小是倚天中文系統24×24之大小,而本研究所採用之文字大小半倍或一倍之字距、列距對學習情意無顯著影響。 The aim of this study is to investigate how distances between words, distance between lines, and sizes of words influence the interest of students. We take the experimental design approach to conduct our study. The samples are drawn from the fourth-grade of elementary schools in Hualien. At the beginning of the experiment, each computer will assign randomly one short essay to each student. The student will read the sam...