Transcriptional regulation by inner nuclear membrane proteins

  • Boban, Mirta
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Publication date
May 2007
Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi (CMB) / Department of Cell and Molecular Biology


All cells sense discrete environmental signals and respond by making appropriate adjustments in patterns of gene expression. To achieve this, signaling pathways translate information received at the cell surface into a transcriptional response. An essential feature of inducible signal transduction pathways is the maintenance of the off state of the gene expression when inducing signals are absent. This thesis addresses the mechanisms that ensure the repressed state of SPS-sensor regulated genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast cells use the plasma membrane localized SPS-sensor to sense extracellular amino acids present in their growth environment. In response to amino acids, the SPS-sensor endoproteolytically activates ...

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