Kinetic Study of Oxidation of Zinc Sulfide Pellets I : Analysis based on the Core Model

  • 近藤 敏
  • 高田 正二
  • 伏間 正一
  • 赤壁 節子
  • 大井 信一
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Publication date
March 1983


The oxidation of zinc sulfide pellets was studied by use of a thermobalance at temperatures between 590℃ and 960℃. Assuming that the reaction proceeds in topochemical manner, experimental results were analyzed based on the core model to show the effects of temperature, porosity, pellet size and gas flow rate on the nature of control regimes.The relative magnitude of each resistance residing in gas film, ash layer and chemical reaction to overall reaction were evaluated as the function of temperature and progresslve conversion.硫化亜鉛ペレットの酸化反応を590℃~960℃の温度範囲で熱天秤を用いて研究した。反応はトポケミカルに進行するとみなして,芯モデルにもとづき,速度支配過程におよぼす温度,空隙率,ペレット径や気体通気量の影響を調べた。総括反応に対する外部境膜,灰層内拡散および表面反応の各抵抗の相対強度を温度および転化率の関数として示した

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