P. H. Kaar published the paper treating a method of obtaining shear stress-strain graphs by interpretation of moment-twist data in Trans. of the ASME, May, 1953. The author tested the torsion of the carbon steel (c=O.26%) in high temperature -- 300℃, 400℃, 500℃ and 600℃ -- and drew up shear stress-strain graphs from moment-twist data by Kaar\u27s method.金属の機械的諸性質は切削に色々な影響を及ぼすが,切削はパイトが被削材を剪断破壊せしめて切屑を出すという考え方からすれば,それ等の諸性質の中でもとりわけ剪断応力の切削に与える影響はより大きいものがあると考えられる。従って我々が2,3 年前から行って来た高温切削の問題を論ずるにも高温に於ける材料の剪断応力の変化状態を知ることが必要となってくる。然るに直接高温に於ける剪断応力を知ることが非常に困難であるので,この実験では材料の高温捩り試験を行ってモーメント捩り角線図を求めて之よりP. H. Kaar氏の方法によって剪断応力歪線図を作成したのである
Utilization and dissemination in the preservation and inheritance and society for the future of muse...
Non-dimensional temperature and Nusselt Number of the combined heat transfer with radiation and conv...
The sheet type heat exchanger was set in the full-scale hydraulic model in imitation of an agricultu...
This study is divided in two parts. Part 1 is the study for the influence of outdoor air temperature...
The author has reported about some experiments, in this paper: that is to say.(1) Compensation of ph...
In this paper, the approximate solutions of the governing equations classified in four types are ana...
A new maize inbred line "Na65" was developed at the National institute of Livestock and Grassland Sc...
We studied the characteristics of the underground water in the River Oi fan by hydrometry, earth bor...
The lacquer ware objects of NangNang were treated for conservation and seven of them were studied on...
金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系A 53-year-old male was admitted with complaint of bloody sputum. The chest X-ray film ...
In this study, four types of super highly loaded turbine blades are analyzed by a numerical method f...
By the experiments, if we set the resonance circuit with a circuit or 3 phase induction moter, we ha...
金沢大学人間社会学域学校教育学類1. 研究目的新学習指導要領の考え方を具現化した授業の実現に向け、(1)単元のゴールや場面・状況を明確にした課題・言語活動(タスク)の設定(2)児童の必要に応じたタイミ...
One of the answers to the ever-increasing demands for materials able to withstand very high temperat...
Utilization and dissemination in the preservation and inheritance and society for the future of muse...
Non-dimensional temperature and Nusselt Number of the combined heat transfer with radiation and conv...
The sheet type heat exchanger was set in the full-scale hydraulic model in imitation of an agricultu...
This study is divided in two parts. Part 1 is the study for the influence of outdoor air temperature...
The author has reported about some experiments, in this paper: that is to say.(1) Compensation of ph...
In this paper, the approximate solutions of the governing equations classified in four types are ana...
A new maize inbred line "Na65" was developed at the National institute of Livestock and Grassland Sc...
We studied the characteristics of the underground water in the River Oi fan by hydrometry, earth bor...
The lacquer ware objects of NangNang were treated for conservation and seven of them were studied on...
金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系A 53-year-old male was admitted with complaint of bloody sputum. The chest X-ray film ...
In this study, four types of super highly loaded turbine blades are analyzed by a numerical method f...
By the experiments, if we set the resonance circuit with a circuit or 3 phase induction moter, we ha...
金沢大学人間社会学域学校教育学類1. 研究目的新学習指導要領の考え方を具現化した授業の実現に向け、(1)単元のゴールや場面・状況を明確にした課題・言語活動(タスク)の設定(2)児童の必要に応じたタイミ...
One of the answers to the ever-increasing demands for materials able to withstand very high temperat...
Utilization and dissemination in the preservation and inheritance and society for the future of muse...
Non-dimensional temperature and Nusselt Number of the combined heat transfer with radiation and conv...
The sheet type heat exchanger was set in the full-scale hydraulic model in imitation of an agricultu...