When water collides with a circular plate and the current flows on the plate, iti is known that the equation U2=gh is established at the point of the jump produced by the current of the water. After experiments, the author has come to the conclusion that the relation among the quantity of water flow, the radius of the jump and the distance of the plate from the water jet may be calculated qualitatively. It is also seen that the radius of the plate affects on the radius of the jump.水が平面上を流れる場合,水面上の流速がU^2=ghなる関係を満足する点でJumpする。従ってその様な点の軌跡は面の傾斜によって,円形になったり抛物線形の様になったりする事は,水道の水によって度々観察される。著者は円形の水平板を用いた場合,流量とJnmpする点の軌跡である円の半径の関係を実測し,その関係を検討した結果を報告する
The imaginary-distance cylindrical full-vectorial beam-propagation method with an enhanced amplifica...
The change of microscopic surface internal stress depend on the passage of time and high vacuum anne...
Correlating equations for the film boiling heat transfer from a vertical cylinder of finite-length t...
The Synthesis of the RC network has been made by Guillemin in 1949, but this does not represent the ...
In the turning operation in a machine shop, machine tools, cutting tools and work pieces are general...
金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系The effect of systemic temperature during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery was eva...
Here are five rectangular plate-beams of infinite length resting horizontally on the five elastic fo...
The author repeated the study on the regenerated pig iron, using the same furnace reported in the pr...
Considering the nonlinear characteristics of elements in hydroulics system, we have shown the follow...
Airborne pollen grains and spores. both fern and fungal, were collected by means of a Rotorod Sample...
瀬戸内海において, 1963年6月に西部海域,同年9月lこ東部海域の基礎生産量を調査した. 海況については,すでに報公されているように,豊後水道系の水は徐々に内湾的性格を強められながら備後灘を経て...
Construction of tunnels in cracked rocks is still a subject of numerous problems to be solved. The d...
The author describes in this paper some fundamental solutions in the designing of silicone insulated...
The imaginary-distance cylindrical full-vectorial beam-propagation method with an enhanced amplifica...
The change of microscopic surface internal stress depend on the passage of time and high vacuum anne...
Correlating equations for the film boiling heat transfer from a vertical cylinder of finite-length t...
The Synthesis of the RC network has been made by Guillemin in 1949, but this does not represent the ...
In the turning operation in a machine shop, machine tools, cutting tools and work pieces are general...
金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系The effect of systemic temperature during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery was eva...
Here are five rectangular plate-beams of infinite length resting horizontally on the five elastic fo...
The author repeated the study on the regenerated pig iron, using the same furnace reported in the pr...
Considering the nonlinear characteristics of elements in hydroulics system, we have shown the follow...
Airborne pollen grains and spores. both fern and fungal, were collected by means of a Rotorod Sample...
瀬戸内海において, 1963年6月に西部海域,同年9月lこ東部海域の基礎生産量を調査した. 海況については,すでに報公されているように,豊後水道系の水は徐々に内湾的性格を強められながら備後灘を経て...
Construction of tunnels in cracked rocks is still a subject of numerous problems to be solved. The d...
The author describes in this paper some fundamental solutions in the designing of silicone insulated...
The imaginary-distance cylindrical full-vectorial beam-propagation method with an enhanced amplifica...
The change of microscopic surface internal stress depend on the passage of time and high vacuum anne...
Correlating equations for the film boiling heat transfer from a vertical cylinder of finite-length t...