The generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach has been widely used to analyze repeated measures data. However, in the absence of likelihood ratio tests, model diagnostic checking tools are not well established for the GEE approach, whereas they are for other likelihood-based approaches. Diagnostic checking tools are essential for determining a model's goodness of fit, especially for non-normal data. In this paper, we propose simple residual plots to investigate the goodness of fit of the model based on the GEE approach for discrete data. The proposed residual plots are based on the quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots of a [chi]2-distribution, and are particularly useful for comparing several models simultaneously.
A literatura dispõe de métodos de diagnóstico para avaliar o ajuste de modelos lineares generalizado...
Generalized estimating equations (GEE), proposed by Liang and Zeger (1986), provide a popular method...
Reliability can be studied in a generalized way using repeated measurements. Linear mixed models are...
[[abstract]]The generalized estimation equation (GEE) method, one of the generalized linear models f...
Traditional tools for model diagnosis for Generalized Linear Model (GLM), such as deviance and Pears...
AbstractProblem of making inferences on a widely used repeated measures model is considered without ...
[[abstract]]Longitudinal ordinal responses are commonly analyzed in biomedical studies and are often...
The analysis of correlated data arising from repeated measurements when the measurements are assumed...
The method of generalized estimating equations (GEEs) has been criticized recently for a failure to ...
Neste trabalho, apresentamos as equações de estimação generalizadas desenvolvidas por Liang e Zeger ...
The distributional assumption for a generalized linear model is often checked by plotting the ordere...
The analysis of residuals can capture departures from a parametrized model. In this thesis we look a...
this paper we obtain partial residual plots for use with generalized linear models (Section 2), and ...
We develop diagnostic measures for assessing the influence of individual observations when using emp...
[[abstract]]Studies involving longitudinal binary responses are widely applied in the health and bio...
A literatura dispõe de métodos de diagnóstico para avaliar o ajuste de modelos lineares generalizado...
Generalized estimating equations (GEE), proposed by Liang and Zeger (1986), provide a popular method...
Reliability can be studied in a generalized way using repeated measurements. Linear mixed models are...
[[abstract]]The generalized estimation equation (GEE) method, one of the generalized linear models f...
Traditional tools for model diagnosis for Generalized Linear Model (GLM), such as deviance and Pears...
AbstractProblem of making inferences on a widely used repeated measures model is considered without ...
[[abstract]]Longitudinal ordinal responses are commonly analyzed in biomedical studies and are often...
The analysis of correlated data arising from repeated measurements when the measurements are assumed...
The method of generalized estimating equations (GEEs) has been criticized recently for a failure to ...
Neste trabalho, apresentamos as equações de estimação generalizadas desenvolvidas por Liang e Zeger ...
The distributional assumption for a generalized linear model is often checked by plotting the ordere...
The analysis of residuals can capture departures from a parametrized model. In this thesis we look a...
this paper we obtain partial residual plots for use with generalized linear models (Section 2), and ...
We develop diagnostic measures for assessing the influence of individual observations when using emp...
[[abstract]]Studies involving longitudinal binary responses are widely applied in the health and bio...
A literatura dispõe de métodos de diagnóstico para avaliar o ajuste de modelos lineares generalizado...
Generalized estimating equations (GEE), proposed by Liang and Zeger (1986), provide a popular method...
Reliability can be studied in a generalized way using repeated measurements. Linear mixed models are...