Soviet poster dedicated to the local Soviets (Councils) elections on December 21, 1947. Caption and texts read, "21 декабря 1947 г. Все на выборы в советы депутатов трудящихся. Голосуйте за кандидатов блока коммунистов и беспартийных / 21 dekabria 1947 g. Vse na vybory v sovety deputatov trudiashchikhsia. Golosuite za deputatov bloka kommunistov i bespartiinykh", meaning, "December 21, 1947. All to the polls. Vote for the candidates from the block of communists and nonpartisans"
Soviet social poster. Caption reads, "За счастливую юность голосует советская молодежь! / Za schastl...
Soviet poster dedicated to V.I. Lenin. Caption reads, "Владимир Ильич Ленин / Vladimir Il'ich Lenin"
Soviet propaganda poster. Caption reads, "Призрачные блага демократии исчезают в Штатах, словно дым....
Soviet poster dedicated to the Supreme Soviet (Council) elections on February 10, 1946. Captions rea...
Soviet poster dedicated to the 1947 elections for the local and state Soviets (i.e. councils). Capti...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Я голосую за кандидатов блока коммунистов и беспартийных! / Ia golosu...
Soviet political poster dedicated to the Constitution of the USSR. Caption reads, "Вся власть в СССР...
A poster encouraging Soviet people to participate in elections for the Verkhovnyi Soviet (Supreme Co...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Колхозники и колхозницы, голосуйте за дальнейший подъем колхозного хо...
A poster encouraging the Soviet workers to participate in voting and elections for the local and fed...
Soviet political poster. Caption reads, "Под водительством [sic] великого Сталина -- вперед к коммун...
A poster advertising the Communist Party of the USSR as the most advanced political party in the wor...
A poster. Captions read, "Pod znamenem Lenina. Za sotsialisticheskoe stroitel'stvo / Под знаменем Ле...
A poster dedicated to the partisan political education. Captions read, "Sistema partiinogo prosveshc...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Занимайтесь водным спортом / Zanimaites' vodnym sportom"
Soviet social poster. Caption reads, "За счастливую юность голосует советская молодежь! / Za schastl...
Soviet poster dedicated to V.I. Lenin. Caption reads, "Владимир Ильич Ленин / Vladimir Il'ich Lenin"
Soviet propaganda poster. Caption reads, "Призрачные блага демократии исчезают в Штатах, словно дым....
Soviet poster dedicated to the Supreme Soviet (Council) elections on February 10, 1946. Captions rea...
Soviet poster dedicated to the 1947 elections for the local and state Soviets (i.e. councils). Capti...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Я голосую за кандидатов блока коммунистов и беспартийных! / Ia golosu...
Soviet political poster dedicated to the Constitution of the USSR. Caption reads, "Вся власть в СССР...
A poster encouraging Soviet people to participate in elections for the Verkhovnyi Soviet (Supreme Co...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Колхозники и колхозницы, голосуйте за дальнейший подъем колхозного хо...
A poster encouraging the Soviet workers to participate in voting and elections for the local and fed...
Soviet political poster. Caption reads, "Под водительством [sic] великого Сталина -- вперед к коммун...
A poster advertising the Communist Party of the USSR as the most advanced political party in the wor...
A poster. Captions read, "Pod znamenem Lenina. Za sotsialisticheskoe stroitel'stvo / Под знаменем Ле...
A poster dedicated to the partisan political education. Captions read, "Sistema partiinogo prosveshc...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Занимайтесь водным спортом / Zanimaites' vodnym sportom"
Soviet social poster. Caption reads, "За счастливую юность голосует советская молодежь! / Za schastl...
Soviet poster dedicated to V.I. Lenin. Caption reads, "Владимир Ильич Ленин / Vladimir Il'ich Lenin"
Soviet propaganda poster. Caption reads, "Призрачные блага демократии исчезают в Штатах, словно дым....