A poster dedicated to K. Voroshilov's (one of the top-ranked Soviet military officers) plan regarding military training of the Soviet youths. Captions read, "Komsomol'tsy! Vypolnim trebovaniia tovarishcha Voroshilova / Комсомольцы! Выполним требования товарища Ворошилова", meaning, " Komsomol'tsy (members of the Communist Union of the Soviet Youth, Komsomol)! Lets fulfill the comrade Voroshilov's plan"
Soviet poster. Captions read, "Советские физкультурники -- гордость нашей страны / Sovetskie fizkul'...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Да здравствует Союз Советских Социалистических Республик! / Da zdravs...
Soviet political poster. Caption reads, "Под водительством [sic] великого Сталина -- вперед к коммун...
A poster dedicated to military training of the soviet youth. Captions read, "Komsomolets, bud' gotov...
A poster dedicated to the military training of the Soviet youth. Captions read, "Kazhdaia komsomolka...
A poster dedicated to military training of the soviet youth. Captions on top read, "Komsomolets, na ...
A poster dedicated to the Komsomol, the communist union of Lenin's youth. Captions read, "Da zdravst...
A poster encouraging the Soviet youth to engage in different type of activities provided by Osoaviak...
A poster dedicated to the Soviet combat pilots of the WWII era (known as the Great Patriotic War in ...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Работать так, чтобы товарищ Сталин спасибо сказал! / Rabotat' tak, c...
A poster dedicated to the Sovet armed forces. Caption reads, "Vooruzhennym Silam Strany Sovetov Slav...
Soviet poster. Captions read, "Марксизм-ленинизм. За мир, единство, социальный прогресс! / Marksizm-...
Soviet poster. Captions read, "Физкультурники и спортсмены! Боритесь за массовость в спорте, за высо...
Soviet poster dedicated to the Red Army. Caption reads, "Да здравствует Красная Aрмия -- вооруженный...
A poster dedicated to the Red Army and the Red Navy of the USSR. Captions read, "Da zdravstvuet nepo...
Soviet poster. Captions read, "Советские физкультурники -- гордость нашей страны / Sovetskie fizkul'...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Да здравствует Союз Советских Социалистических Республик! / Da zdravs...
Soviet political poster. Caption reads, "Под водительством [sic] великого Сталина -- вперед к коммун...
A poster dedicated to military training of the soviet youth. Captions read, "Komsomolets, bud' gotov...
A poster dedicated to the military training of the Soviet youth. Captions read, "Kazhdaia komsomolka...
A poster dedicated to military training of the soviet youth. Captions on top read, "Komsomolets, na ...
A poster dedicated to the Komsomol, the communist union of Lenin's youth. Captions read, "Da zdravst...
A poster encouraging the Soviet youth to engage in different type of activities provided by Osoaviak...
A poster dedicated to the Soviet combat pilots of the WWII era (known as the Great Patriotic War in ...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Работать так, чтобы товарищ Сталин спасибо сказал! / Rabotat' tak, c...
A poster dedicated to the Sovet armed forces. Caption reads, "Vooruzhennym Silam Strany Sovetov Slav...
Soviet poster. Captions read, "Марксизм-ленинизм. За мир, единство, социальный прогресс! / Marksizm-...
Soviet poster. Captions read, "Физкультурники и спортсмены! Боритесь за массовость в спорте, за высо...
Soviet poster dedicated to the Red Army. Caption reads, "Да здравствует Красная Aрмия -- вооруженный...
A poster dedicated to the Red Army and the Red Navy of the USSR. Captions read, "Da zdravstvuet nepo...
Soviet poster. Captions read, "Советские физкультурники -- гордость нашей страны / Sovetskie fizkul'...
Soviet poster. Caption reads, "Да здравствует Союз Советских Социалистических Республик! / Da zdravs...
Soviet political poster. Caption reads, "Под водительством [sic] великого Сталина -- вперед к коммун...