The English weekly newspaper, Los Angeles Star includes headings: [p.1]: col.3] "The river of time", "The grave of Steuben", "America ahead!", [col.4] "Sketch of the life of Major Ben. McCullouch", "A Chinaman's idea of suicide", "Bare breasts v. armor", [col.5] "The burning of the Montreal", "Metropolitan police bill", "A queer fact has been recently developed in Paris", "Bed-room literature"; [p.2]: [col.1] "Mr. Weller defines his position", [col.2] "County Convention", "The present week was ushered in with an amount of caloric..." [col.3] "District Court", "Court of Sessions", "Sheriff's sale", [col.4] "Election notice", "Election proclamation"; [p.3]: [col.1] "New nominations"; [p.4]: [col.2] "Vote on the State debt", [col.4] "Post offi...