1 image. Christmas at Butler Brothers at Lakewood Park ...Rudolph's nose catches on fire, 22 December 1951. Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Rei ndeer; Santa Claus.; Supplementary material reads: "Don Rochlen. Lakewood Park Public Relations. Monday. 'Help! Santa Claus, bring the first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. Rudolph is in trouble'. Yes, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was really red hot. In fact, the rosey proboscis which has made Rudolph the most famous of all reindeer, was on fire. You see, it all happened while Rudolph was making a pre-Christmas appearance atop Butler Brother's department store in Lakewood Park (California). Rudolph was the victim of sabotage when a short circuit started a fire in his sniffer which in this case as a large ...