3 images. Little puppy beaten by Joseph Lattuga (Ann Street [Animal] Shelter), 18 August 1954. Various views of puppy.; Caption slip reads: "Photographer: Forbes. Date 1954-08-18. Reporter: Petty. Assignment: Beaten Dog. 129/130/51/52: Beaten dog by Alfred Lettuga at Ann St. Animal Shelter"
2 images. Dog show, 13 December 1953. Carolyn Knight; Dr. John A. Saylor; Bull dog judged best in sh...
4 images. Dog feature, 10 October 1951. Chiquita, Chihuahua mother, admires her offsprings, Pancho a...
2 images. Old dog ... 21 years old, 26 March 1952. Bum, Staffordshire Terrier, owned by K.D. Miller,...
1 image. Cruelty to puppy, 13 May 1958. Kathy Howard -- 5 years (with injured puppy); Little Cocker ...
2 images. Dog kicker, 26 August 1954. Alfred J. Lattuga.; Caption slip reads: "Photographer: Mitchel...
12 images. Animal week, 4 May 1953. 11th Street Animal Shelter; Ann Street Animal Shelter. ; Caption...
1 image. Dog belonging to suspect Harry Schwartz, 21 August 1957. Dog "Chi Chi" at Ann Street Animal...
5 images. Dog mutilation, 18 March 1952. Lieutenant Lou Fuller (examines dog "Filipe"); Officer G. E...
2 images. Dog bite case, 14 April 1958. Cynthia Stevenson -- 10 years; dog "Pal"; Mr. and Mrs. James...
2 images. Child bitten by dog, 2 January 1958. Heather Morton -- 4 years (victim); Elnor Ujie (nurse...
5 images. Dog hit and run victim (Van Nuys), 6 August 1951. Dr. R.A. Button (Veterinarian, with inju...
5 images. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals opening shelter at 9330 Garfield Avenue, ...
3 images. Dog Trials (obedience trial at Hollywood Dog Obedience Club, Incorporated), 9 May 1954. Do...
5 images. Poodle pups, 12 March 1952. Paula Dolan; Dogs "Celeste" and "Monsieur Beachre".; Caption s...
1 image. Ten orphan puppies, 08 April 1952. Ten orphan Labrador and pointer mixed breed pups in bask...
2 images. Dog show, 13 December 1953. Carolyn Knight; Dr. John A. Saylor; Bull dog judged best in sh...
4 images. Dog feature, 10 October 1951. Chiquita, Chihuahua mother, admires her offsprings, Pancho a...
2 images. Old dog ... 21 years old, 26 March 1952. Bum, Staffordshire Terrier, owned by K.D. Miller,...
1 image. Cruelty to puppy, 13 May 1958. Kathy Howard -- 5 years (with injured puppy); Little Cocker ...
2 images. Dog kicker, 26 August 1954. Alfred J. Lattuga.; Caption slip reads: "Photographer: Mitchel...
12 images. Animal week, 4 May 1953. 11th Street Animal Shelter; Ann Street Animal Shelter. ; Caption...
1 image. Dog belonging to suspect Harry Schwartz, 21 August 1957. Dog "Chi Chi" at Ann Street Animal...
5 images. Dog mutilation, 18 March 1952. Lieutenant Lou Fuller (examines dog "Filipe"); Officer G. E...
2 images. Dog bite case, 14 April 1958. Cynthia Stevenson -- 10 years; dog "Pal"; Mr. and Mrs. James...
2 images. Child bitten by dog, 2 January 1958. Heather Morton -- 4 years (victim); Elnor Ujie (nurse...
5 images. Dog hit and run victim (Van Nuys), 6 August 1951. Dr. R.A. Button (Veterinarian, with inju...
5 images. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals opening shelter at 9330 Garfield Avenue, ...
3 images. Dog Trials (obedience trial at Hollywood Dog Obedience Club, Incorporated), 9 May 1954. Do...
5 images. Poodle pups, 12 March 1952. Paula Dolan; Dogs "Celeste" and "Monsieur Beachre".; Caption s...
1 image. Ten orphan puppies, 08 April 1952. Ten orphan Labrador and pointer mixed breed pups in bask...
2 images. Dog show, 13 December 1953. Carolyn Knight; Dr. John A. Saylor; Bull dog judged best in sh...
4 images. Dog feature, 10 October 1951. Chiquita, Chihuahua mother, admires her offsprings, Pancho a...
2 images. Old dog ... 21 years old, 26 March 1952. Bum, Staffordshire Terrier, owned by K.D. Miller,...