3 images. Harbor Day hostess, 18 May 1954. Helene Johnson -- 17 years; Pat Jaconi -- 21 years.; Supplementary material reads: "Gershon. City desk. Illus. Daily. Caption only. Harbor Day Hostesses. No. 1: They'll greet visitors on Harbor Day. Helene Johnson, 17, left, and Pat Jaconi, 21, of San Pedro, were nominated by San Pedro Junior Chamber of Commerce to represent it and act as Harbor Day Hostesses. They are shown on deck at Berth 90, San Pedro. No. 2-3: Helene Johnson and Pat Jaconi, Harbor Day Hostesses, wave to ships in channel. Vessel coming up in rear with full dress flags is the Norwegian Ship Tangried, in port celebrating 17th of May, Norway's 'Fourth of July'.