4 images. County Dental Society meeting, 3 December 1953. Dr. S. Mayo Silverman (outgoing President); Dr. Balint J. Orban (Chicago, speaker); Dr. Calvin C. Garberick (incoming President); Dr. Saul C. Robinson (University of Oregon).; Caption slip reads: "Photographer: Lapp. Date: 1953-12-03. Reporter: Clausen. Assignment: Dental Society meet. 5/6: Dr. Saul C. Robinson, University of Oregon, inspects new self-anesthesizing gadget. Left hand holds nose mask - right hand holds cannister with finger on activating switch. 17/18: Dr. S. Mayo Silverman, Los Angeles, outgoing president of L.A. County Dental Society; Dr. Balint J. Orban, Chicago, speaker, and Dr. Calvin C. Garverick, Long Beach, incoming president.