"A Baptismal Service, San Salvador, Lower Congo. Baptist Missionary Society Pictorial Postcards, 19 Furnival Street, E.C." A missionary father is shown in a river or lake baptizing a man. A missionary sister along with a small group of adults and children are seen on shore. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard
"Mission protestante sure le Congo" ("Protestant mission on the Congo") A large boat rests on the ba...
"22. Congo Francais - Station de Sainte-Radegonde, dans l'Alima." ("22. French Congo - Station of Sa...
Coin droit de la place de l'Eglise.- Rechterhoek van 't Kerkplein." The large congregation is outsid...
Black and white lantern slides showing scenes of baptism in a river. A minster holds a young man beh...
Ceremonie de bapteme - Het doopsel onzer negers" A Catholic father stands outdoors, surrounded by a ...
4. – Elisabethville – Un baptême. Elizabethstad – Een doopsel." A missionary father is shown bapt...
Gabon - Service de Communion en plein air a Samkita". A Catholic missionary father performs a Commun...
Black and white lantern slide featuring a baptism in a body of water in the Congo. A European male m...
5 - Angola - Un bapteme dans un poste de catechiste." ("5 - Angola - A baptism at a catechist statio...
"Mission des R. R. P. P. Jesuites au Kwango" "Kwango-Missie der E. E. P. P. Jezuiten in Kongo." "Wom...
Numerous small groups of people are shown around a broad open stretch, a Catholic missionary father ...
Le bateau de la Mission". A Catholic Missionary father stands aboard the deck of a small steamboat b...
Gabon - Bapteme d'adultes a Samkita" Several adults are being baptized by a Catholic missionary fath...
"Missions Salesiennes Congo Belge I 3. Joyeux ebats." Several children bathe in a river. The back of...
Catholic missionary fathers stand among a gathering of newly-baptized children. On the back of the c...
"Mission protestante sure le Congo" ("Protestant mission on the Congo") A large boat rests on the ba...
"22. Congo Francais - Station de Sainte-Radegonde, dans l'Alima." ("22. French Congo - Station of Sa...
Coin droit de la place de l'Eglise.- Rechterhoek van 't Kerkplein." The large congregation is outsid...
Black and white lantern slides showing scenes of baptism in a river. A minster holds a young man beh...
Ceremonie de bapteme - Het doopsel onzer negers" A Catholic father stands outdoors, surrounded by a ...
4. – Elisabethville – Un baptême. Elizabethstad – Een doopsel." A missionary father is shown bapt...
Gabon - Service de Communion en plein air a Samkita". A Catholic missionary father performs a Commun...
Black and white lantern slide featuring a baptism in a body of water in the Congo. A European male m...
5 - Angola - Un bapteme dans un poste de catechiste." ("5 - Angola - A baptism at a catechist statio...
"Mission des R. R. P. P. Jesuites au Kwango" "Kwango-Missie der E. E. P. P. Jezuiten in Kongo." "Wom...
Numerous small groups of people are shown around a broad open stretch, a Catholic missionary father ...
Le bateau de la Mission". A Catholic Missionary father stands aboard the deck of a small steamboat b...
Gabon - Bapteme d'adultes a Samkita" Several adults are being baptized by a Catholic missionary fath...
"Missions Salesiennes Congo Belge I 3. Joyeux ebats." Several children bathe in a river. The back of...
Catholic missionary fathers stand among a gathering of newly-baptized children. On the back of the c...
"Mission protestante sure le Congo" ("Protestant mission on the Congo") A large boat rests on the ba...
"22. Congo Francais - Station de Sainte-Radegonde, dans l'Alima." ("22. French Congo - Station of Sa...
Coin droit de la place de l'Eglise.- Rechterhoek van 't Kerkplein." The large congregation is outsid...