“Mrs Webster, Cicey [Cissy] and Winnie, May 1889”. Family portrait of mother and two daughters, one a baby whom she holds. The image is faded and unclear. The Rev. James Webster arrived in Manchuria in 1882 and helped establish a station at Tieh-ling, a walled city forty miles north of Shenyang [Moukden], in 1885, under the authority of Chiao one of the indigenous evangelists. Chiao was manhandled and the chapel damaged by opponents and Mr Ross and Mr Webster both received rough treatment in attempting to establish the station. The family was probably based in Shenyang at this time. The Rev. James Webster was appointed Joint Foreign Mission Secretary in 1910. ❧ The image is from an album associated with Rev. James A Whylie (1863-1894) who w...