Note: Cf. QD-32.008.0178, QD-32.008.0186.; Note translation: Cf. QD-32.008.0178, QD-32.008.0186
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0046, QE-30.006.0048, QE-30.006.0145, QE-30.006.0152 und QE-30.006.0202. Es komm...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0118 und QE-30.006.0141. Höchstwahrscheinlich dieselbe Person. (MS).; Note trans...
Note: Cf. QQ-30.011.0060. Es sind dieselben Objekte ausgestellt, aber in anderer Anordnung. (MS).; N...
Note: QD-32.008.0186 und QD-32.008.0250 vermutlich gleicher Ort. (PST).; Note translation: QD-32.008...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0058 und QE-30.006.0118. Höchstwahrscheinlich dieselbe Person.; Note translation...
Note: QD-30.041.0059 wahrscheinlich gleicher Ort. (PST).; Note translation: QD-30.041.0059 probably ...
Note: Cf. QC-30.047.0038 und QQ-30.124.0005.; Note translation: Cf. QC-30.047.0038 and QQ-30.124.000...
Note: QD-30.041.0029 wahrscheinlich gleicher Ort. (PST).; Note translation: QD-30.041.0029 probably ...
Note: Cf. QE-30.035.0011 and E-30.20.030.; Note translation: Cf. QE-30.0350011 and E-30.20.030
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0041, QE-30.006.0046, QE-30.006.0145, QE-30.006.0152 und QE-30.006.0202. Es komm...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0125. Es kommt dieselbe Person vor. (MS).; Note translation: Cf. QE-30.006.0125
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0041, QE-30.006.0046, QE-30.006.0048, QE-30.006.0152 und QE-30.006.0202. Es komm...
Note: Cf. QD-30.036.0034 und QD-30.036.0035. (MS 01.1999).; Note translation: Cf. QD-30.036.0034 and...
Note: D-30.14.014/15 und QD-30.041.0108 vermutlich gleicher Ort. (PST).; Note translation: D-30.14.0...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0041, QE-30.006.0046, QE-30.006.0048, QE-30.006.0145 und QE-30.006.0202. Es komm...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0046, QE-30.006.0048, QE-30.006.0145, QE-30.006.0152 und QE-30.006.0202. Es komm...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0118 und QE-30.006.0141. Höchstwahrscheinlich dieselbe Person. (MS).; Note trans...
Note: Cf. QQ-30.011.0060. Es sind dieselben Objekte ausgestellt, aber in anderer Anordnung. (MS).; N...
Note: QD-32.008.0186 und QD-32.008.0250 vermutlich gleicher Ort. (PST).; Note translation: QD-32.008...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0058 und QE-30.006.0118. Höchstwahrscheinlich dieselbe Person.; Note translation...
Note: QD-30.041.0059 wahrscheinlich gleicher Ort. (PST).; Note translation: QD-30.041.0059 probably ...
Note: Cf. QC-30.047.0038 und QQ-30.124.0005.; Note translation: Cf. QC-30.047.0038 and QQ-30.124.000...
Note: QD-30.041.0029 wahrscheinlich gleicher Ort. (PST).; Note translation: QD-30.041.0029 probably ...
Note: Cf. QE-30.035.0011 and E-30.20.030.; Note translation: Cf. QE-30.0350011 and E-30.20.030
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0041, QE-30.006.0046, QE-30.006.0145, QE-30.006.0152 und QE-30.006.0202. Es komm...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0125. Es kommt dieselbe Person vor. (MS).; Note translation: Cf. QE-30.006.0125
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0041, QE-30.006.0046, QE-30.006.0048, QE-30.006.0152 und QE-30.006.0202. Es komm...
Note: Cf. QD-30.036.0034 und QD-30.036.0035. (MS 01.1999).; Note translation: Cf. QD-30.036.0034 and...
Note: D-30.14.014/15 und QD-30.041.0108 vermutlich gleicher Ort. (PST).; Note translation: D-30.14.0...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0041, QE-30.006.0046, QE-30.006.0048, QE-30.006.0145 und QE-30.006.0202. Es komm...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0046, QE-30.006.0048, QE-30.006.0145, QE-30.006.0152 und QE-30.006.0202. Es komm...
Note: Cf. QE-30.006.0118 und QE-30.006.0141. Höchstwahrscheinlich dieselbe Person. (MS).; Note trans...
Note: Cf. QQ-30.011.0060. Es sind dieselben Objekte ausgestellt, aber in anderer Anordnung. (MS).; N...