"Det Indre af den norske Kirke i Antananarivo" ("Interior of the Norwegian Church in Antananarivo."); Four people are standing in the front of the altar. The baptismal font is to the left. We also see many rows of wooden benches for the congregation to sit in. This picture was printed in "Norsk MissionsTidende" in 1877, page 245 as an engraving, xylograph.; The church was inaguarated in 1875. It was built by T. Rosaas and J. Engh
Ambatonakanga's Church of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missiona...
"Kirken i hovedstaden. Huset lige til venstre for kirken (vi ser soeilene og en del af det hvide rae...
"Ambatovinaky menighet og kvinneforening 6/4 1936" (" Ambatovinaky congregation and womens group Apr...
"Det indre af Ambatovinaky" ("Ambatovinaky interior"). The Church was built in 1875, see NMS/Photo/f...
"Antananarivo med vaar kirke paa Ambatovinaky samt skolehuset hoeiest til venstre" ("Antananarivo wi...
"Ambatovinaky kirke Tananarive" ("Ambatovinaky Church Tananarive") . Same as glassplate negative BGN...
"Inter. af Ambatovinaky kirke Tan." ("Interior view of Ambatovinaky Church Tananarive"). The congreg...
"Den norske kirke i Antananarivo og Ambatovinaky skole" ("The Norwegian Church in Antananarivo and A...
This Lutheran Church was built in 1875. Pulpit and altar. There are wooden benches in the church
Norwegian Church of Ambatovinaky, in Antananarivo.; The church was inaugurated in 1875. It was built...
"En hjertelig hilsen til Eder 3 mianaka fra Eders Johanna" ("A heartly greeting to you 3 mianaka fr...
"Det indre af kirken paa Antsirabe" ("The interior of Antsirabe Church"). Inside the church is the ...
The interior includes the altar and pulpit. There are wooden benches in the church room
"NMS Den nordvestlige Del af Antananarivo med den norske Missions Kirke og Skolehus" ("NMS the north...
"Antsirabe gamle kirke 1923 Gamlepresten Rajaona paa prekestolen" ("The Antsirabe old church 1923 an...
Ambatonakanga's Church of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missiona...
"Kirken i hovedstaden. Huset lige til venstre for kirken (vi ser soeilene og en del af det hvide rae...
"Ambatovinaky menighet og kvinneforening 6/4 1936" (" Ambatovinaky congregation and womens group Apr...
"Det indre af Ambatovinaky" ("Ambatovinaky interior"). The Church was built in 1875, see NMS/Photo/f...
"Antananarivo med vaar kirke paa Ambatovinaky samt skolehuset hoeiest til venstre" ("Antananarivo wi...
"Ambatovinaky kirke Tananarive" ("Ambatovinaky Church Tananarive") . Same as glassplate negative BGN...
"Inter. af Ambatovinaky kirke Tan." ("Interior view of Ambatovinaky Church Tananarive"). The congreg...
"Den norske kirke i Antananarivo og Ambatovinaky skole" ("The Norwegian Church in Antananarivo and A...
This Lutheran Church was built in 1875. Pulpit and altar. There are wooden benches in the church
Norwegian Church of Ambatovinaky, in Antananarivo.; The church was inaugurated in 1875. It was built...
"En hjertelig hilsen til Eder 3 mianaka fra Eders Johanna" ("A heartly greeting to you 3 mianaka fr...
"Det indre af kirken paa Antsirabe" ("The interior of Antsirabe Church"). Inside the church is the ...
The interior includes the altar and pulpit. There are wooden benches in the church room
"NMS Den nordvestlige Del af Antananarivo med den norske Missions Kirke og Skolehus" ("NMS the north...
"Antsirabe gamle kirke 1923 Gamlepresten Rajaona paa prekestolen" ("The Antsirabe old church 1923 an...
Ambatonakanga's Church of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missiona...
"Kirken i hovedstaden. Huset lige til venstre for kirken (vi ser soeilene og en del af det hvide rae...
"Ambatovinaky menighet og kvinneforening 6/4 1936" (" Ambatovinaky congregation and womens group Apr...