„Baziya. Zahnziehen (heidnische Patientin Kaleb, der Kutscher als Assistent)“ („Baziya. Pulling teeth (heathen female patient Kaleb, the coachman as assistant“). Five persons: Two young women, standing in the foreground with their back to the photographer, wearing dresses. In the right half a woman, sitting ducked on a chair, holding an object in her left hand, looking in the young women’s direction. Next to her a man or a boy standing, wearing trousers, a pullover and a hat. The fifth person next to the man is hardly visible. A building, trees and fences in the background.; Richard Paul Moths, born in 1872 in Kösen (Germany), was a carpenter. In 1899 he married Helene Ledoux. From 1900 till 1948 he worked as a missionary in South Africa Ea...